Physician Signature


The following topics are discussed on this page. Use the links to jump to the desired area:

To access Physician Signature

Viewing the orders list

To view order details

To sign orders

To reassign an order

To reject an order

Signing transcribed documents

Physician Signature allows physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners to view and sign, reassign, or reject orders, documentation that requires a cosign, and transcribed documents that require a signature. The Dr. Signature button on the Hospital Main page indicates the number of unsigned orders that are waiting to be signed in a red box.

The Physician Signature, Provider Work Center, and Clinician Work Center pages default to a 3 month cutoff range to reduce the number of unsigned orders and unsigned transcription records that are displayed. If you wish to turn off this cutoff range, go to Maintenance > General Application Setup > General > Work Center > Cutoff Date and alter the settings. (You must have the appropriate security permissions assigned in UA to access this field.)

To access Physician Signature

To access the Physician Signature page, click the Dr Signature button on the Hospital Main page. (The number of items requiring signature is indicated in red on the button.) A list of unsigned orders that require a physician's signature is displayed.  If there are no orders to sign, No Orders to Sign is displayed.

There are three tabs of items to be signed: Order, Documentation, and Transcription. Click the desired tab to view the appropriate pending signature list. To print any of the lists, click the Print button located at the top right of the screen.

Viewing the Orders Tab

Upon accessing the Physician Signature page, all patient orders assigned to the current physician signed in are displayed on the Orders tab according to ascending order date/time. To view patients within a physician's group, select the physician from the Filter drop-down list. You can also change the sort order by selecting Patient Name from the Sort drop-down list.

Symbols in front of the order indicate the order's current status:

Completed: The green circle indicates that the order has been completed and doesn't require further action at this time.

In Progress: The yellow yield indicates that the order is currently in progress. Results are not currently available.

New: The red octagon indicates that an order is new and needs to be addressed.

Canceled: The black square indicate that an order has been canceled.

STAT Priority: This icon next to the status icon indicates that the order has been ordered as STAT.

Not Verified: This symbol indicates that the order has not been verified.

On Hold: This symbol, along with yellow highlighting indicates that an order is on hold.

Buttons to the right provide access to the functions utilized on this page:

Show Order Details: Click this button to display the details for the order. (See To view order details.)

Reassign: Click this button to reassign the order to a different physician/user for signature. (See To reassign an order.)

Reject: Click this button to reject an order. (See To reject an order.)

To view order details

The View Order Details button opens the details area for the order. Details regarding the order are displayed on the screen. To hide the Order Details area, click the button again. The information for each order is displayed in several sections: Order Details, Diagnosis, and History. In the Order Details > History section, you can view the history log by clicking this button.

To sign orders

To sign all orders, click Sign All located at the top and bottom of the window.  Or, you can select specific orders to sign by checking the box located to the left of each order listed, and then clicking Sign Selected.

To reassign an order

  1. Click the Show Reassign Order button located to the right of the order if you want to reassign the order to another physician.

  2. The ordering physician details are displayed directly below the order. Select a new physician to reassign the order to. Type the first few letters of the physician name to display matching results.

  3. Click Save.

To reject an order

Click the Reject Order button located to the right of the order to reject the order and have it removed from the list.

Viewing the Documentation Tab

The Documentation tab displays assessments and chart notes that have been entered by a mid-level provider (MLP) and require a cosignature for them to be considered complete. From the list, you can do the following using the buttons to the right:

To cosign a document

There are several ways to cosign a document. You can cosign an individual document by clicking the Sign Documentation button located to the right of the document. You can multi-select several documents from the list using the check marks to the left of the items and then click Cosign Selected. Or, you can cosign all the documents on the list by clicking Cosign All.

After clicking one of the cosign options, the Sign Document(s) box is displayed. Click Save to complete the cosign process and remove the documents from the list. Or, click Close to cancel the action and return to the list.

The Calculate button calculates a percentage of the documents listed in the cosign queue (percentage based on parameters in Maintenance > Specific Application  Setup settings for Clinic > Auto Sign Parameters for Documentation and Hospital > Cosign Parameters for Documentation) and removes those items from the list. The removed items will be removed from the list and will only contain the mid-level provider's signature.

Viewing the Transcription Tab

The transcription tab displays the list of documents on the left in the green bar with the patient name, document name, and date/time. Click a document to display it in the right side of the page. To hide the list of documents (so the document text is full-screen), click the vertical Transcriptions << button.

To sign transcribed documents

  1. Select the Transcription tab to view, and accept, reject, or sign transcribed documents that require a physician's signature. Upon accessing this tab, a list of all documents requiring a signature is displayed in date/time ascending order. If there are no transcriptions to view, No transcriptions to sign is displayed.  The left side of the Transcription page displays the patient name, document name, and date/time of the transcription. The right side of the Transcription page displays the content of the selected document.

  2. For the selected document, select one of the following options by clicking on the appropriate button:

  1. Once all documents have been reviewed, click Sign Accepted at the top of the screen to sign all documents that were accepted.

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Physician Signature

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