The following topics are discussed on this page. Use the links to jump to the desired subject:
Introduction to the Provider Work Center
Work List View vs. Rounding View
Prescriptions Awaiting Signature
Pending Medication Reconciliation
The Provider Work Center is the provider's portal to patient information and a comprehensive work list of items that need to be addressed and the tools needed to address them:
Lab Results - View and acknowledge patient lab results.
Unsigned Orders - View, Sign, Reassign, or Reject Orders.
Documentation Needing Cosign - View and acknowledge assessments and chart notes that require a cosignature.
Unsigned Transcriptions - View, Sign, or Reject transcribed documents.
Abnormal Vitals - View and acknowledge patient abnormal vital signs.
Pending Prescriptions - View and approve pending e-prescriptions.
Prescription Renewals - View and approve prescription renewal requests. (DrFirst)
Prescriptions Awaiting Signature - Prescriptions that have been entered by a "provider agent".
Health Maintenance - Receive and process alerts based on Health Maintenance Alerts.
Patient Communications - View, edit, update, and acknowledge patient communications.
CDS Alerts - View and acknowledge clinical decision support alerts.
Pending Medication Reconciliation - View and acknowledge Medication Reconciliations.
Draft Notes - View, edit, and sign draft Chart Notes.
Stop Order Alerts - View and acknowledge hard and soft stop medication alerts.
Radiology Reports - View and acknowledge radiology reports that have been completed.
The Physician Signature, Provider Work Center, and Clinician Work Center pages default to a 3 month cutoff range to reduce the number of unsigned orders and unsigned transcription records that are displayed. If you wish to turn off this cutoff range, go to Maintenance > General Application Setup > General > Work Center > Cutoff Date and alter the settings. (You must have the appropriate security permissions assigned in UA to access this field.)
To access the Provider Work Center, click the Provider Work Center button from the Hospital Main page. The Provider Work Center page is displayed.
If you see the alert icon,
, next to the Provider Work Center button on the Main page, this means
that alerts are present that need to be acknowledged. Click the Provider
Center button to proceed to the Provider Work Center to address and acknowledge
the alerts. See Patient
Alerts for additional information.
The Provider Work Center is divided into two on-screen areas: the list area and the details area.
The green list area contains either a list of patients or a work list. Select the desired list in the View field.
The details area on the right side of the screen provides more details and functions for the items in the green list area. Click a category or patient name in the green section to view the details in the right side of the screen. The right side of the screen also displays a carousel of buttons that allows you to access any other area of the Hospital module. Click the desired function button to launch that area. (Use the arrow buttons to rotate the carousel to display the desired function button.)
You have the option to work from the Work List view or the Rounding view based on how you want to view and process the tasks. Select the desired list in the View field.
The Work List view lists work by task type. Click the desired type to see a list of all tasks due in that category. The Total column indicates the number of tasks due for each category. The Work List view can be customized, if enabled at your facility. Go to Actions > More Filters. The Settings box is displayed. In the Work List field, use the drop-down list to select the sections of the Work List that you want to display (or click Select All). Note: Some sections may be set to required and unable to de-select from the view. Then, click Select. The selected sections will now display on the Work List. To save your selections, go to Actions > Save Filter Settings so that your selections are retained for the next time you log in to the PWC.
The Rounding view lists work by patient. The default for this view is all non-discharged patients (currently admitted patients). Click the patient name to see a list of tasks due in each category mentioned above. Pre-admitted patients are NOT displayed by default on the Rounding view. To include pre-admitted patients, see Seeing More...Actions. The number of alerts in each category are listed in parentheses on the section tab header. You must expand each section to view the alerts in that section.
When using either of these views, you can use the Patients field to view My Patients, Other's Patients, or My Group.
You can further filter the list by Patient Class. Use the drop-down list to check the desired patient classes you would like to display on the list.
To save your selected filter options, click Actions > Save Filter Settings. This allows you to use the filter settings as your default view whenever the PWC is accessed.
The Work Center Rounding > My Patients view defaults to all non-discharged patients (currently admitted patients). And, the Work List > My Patients view defaults to display patients admitted in the last 2 weeks. However, all pending (unsigned) items are always displayed. Pre-admitted patients are NOT displayed by default on the Rounding and Patient views.
If you wish to see additional information, click the Actions > More Filters option. The More box is displayed.
For the Rounding view, you have the following options:
Include Discharged Patients - Select this option to include discharged patients in the view. This displays the Admission Date field. Select the appropriate date and click Select. Patient data from that admission date is now displayed.
Include Pre-admitted Patients - Select this option to include pre-admitted patients in the view. This displays the Admission Date field. Select the appropriate date and click Select. Pre-admitted patients from that admission date are now displayed.
For the Work List view, select the appropriate date in the Admission Date field and click Select. Patient data from that admission date is now displayed.
The Lab Results list contains lab results that need to be acknowledged by the physician. The Patient Name, Date of Birth, Test Name, Normal Range, Result, and Date/Time are listed for each result. For each result, there are additional buttons to perform additional actions on the result:
Graph button: Click to graph the lab result. |
Show Order Details button: Click to view order details. |
Acknowledge button: Click to acknowledge the individual result or the entire panel at a time. |
This symbol indicates a critical lab value and, when present, appears in front of the Patient Name. |
You can acknowledge a single result, acknowledge all normals, or acknowledge all results using one of the following methods:
To acknowledge an individual
result/panel, click the
button to the right of the result.
To acknowledge all normal results, click the green Acknowledge Normals button.
To acknowledge all results, click the green Acknowledge All button.
After clicking the acknowledge action button, the Acknowledge Lab dialog box is displayed. Enter any Comments, if desired. You have two options: Save and Send PHR and Save. To acknowledge and save this result to the patient's PHR account (i.e. Health Vault), click Send and Send PHR. To acknowledge this item, but refrain from the item displaying in the patient's PHR account, click Save only. This allows the physician/provider to discuss results personally, if appropriate.
The Unsigned Orders list contains orders that need to be signed by the physician. The orders are listed if the logged in user is the attending or consulting physician AND the ordering physician. The Patient Name, Date of Birth, Order Description, Attending Physician, and Order Start Date/Time are listed for each order. For each order, there are 4 buttons to perform actions on the order:
Show Order Details button: Click to view order details. |
Show Reassign Order button: Click this button to display the reassign order function which assigns this order to a different physician. In the Reassign to field, begin typing the name of the new physician. Select the desired physician. Then, click Reassign. Once reassigned, the order is removed from the Unsigned Orders list. |
Reject Order button: Click this button to reject the order. The Reject Unsigned Order details are displayed. Click Save to reject the order. |
Sign button: Click this button to sign the order. |
This section lists documents (assessments and chart notes) that require a cosignature to complete them. The items are listed if the logged in user is the supervising physician. For each item listed, the Patient Name, MR#, Visit #, Date of Birth, Type, Assigned To, Status, and Charted Date/Time are listed. There are action buttons to the right of the item:
Show Documentation Details button: Click to view the document details. |
Show Reassign Documentation button: Click this button to display the reassign cosigning physician function which assigns this item to a different physician. In the Reassign to field, begin typing the name of the physician. Select the new physician. Then, click Reassign. Once reassigned, the order is removed from the Documentation Needing Cosign list. |
Reject Documentation button: Click this button to reject the document. The Reject box is displayed. Enter the Reject Description. Then, click Save to reject the item. |
Sign button: Click this button to sign the document (assessment or chart note). |
Clicking the Expand All button displays all notes and assessment details in the list. Then, you can cosign all items in the list by clicking the Cosign All button. Or, you can print the list by clicking the Print button.
The Calculate button calculates a percentage of the documents listed in the cosign queue (percentage based on parameters in Maintenance > Specific > Hospital Cosign Parameters for Documentation) and removes those items from the list. The removed items will be removed from the list and will only contain the mid-level provider's signature.
The Unsigned Transcriptions list contains transcribed documents that need to be signed by the physician. The documents are listed if the logged in user is the attending or consulting physician AND the physician who dictated the document. The Patient Name, Date of Birth, Document Name, and Date/Time are listed for each document. For each document, the following button launches the Review page:
Review Document button: Click this button to display the document for review. |
When reviewing documents, you have the following options:
Print: To print the document, click the printer button .
Sign: Click Sign to sign the transcribed document. The Sign Transcription box is displayed. Click Save to sign the document. Once signed, the document is removed from the Unsigned Transcriptions list.
Reject: Click Reject to reject the document. The Reject Transcription box is displayed. Type the reason for rejecting the document. Click Save.
Skip: Click the Skip button to skip the current document and display the next document in the list. When this button is not available, you have reached the bottom of the list.
Edit: Click this button to edit the current document. Use the edit capabilities provided for formatting font, size, color, indention, etc. Once the edits are made, click Accept. This marks this document as ready to be signed. (Note: This option is security protected, you may need to request security changes to view/access this button.)
When you have finished reviewing the document, click Close to return to the previous view.
The Abnormal Vitals list contains abnormal vital signs that need to be acknowledged by the physician. The Patient Name, Date of Birth, Vital Type, Result, and Date/Time are listed for each value. For each result, there are 2 buttons to perform actions on the value:
Show Vitals Graph button: Click to display the vital sign graph. |
Acknowledge button: Click to acknowledge the individual vital sign. To acknowledge all vitals, click the Acknowledge All Vitals button located toward the upper right corner of the page. |
This section lists previous visit for the selected patient. For each visit, the Visit #, Admit Date, Discharge Date, Patient Class, Attending Physician, and Diagnosis are displayed.
The Prescription Prescriptions heading acts as a link to the Pending Prescriptions list in the e-prescribing portal, powered by DrFirst. Click the heading to launch the e-prescribing portal and address pending prescriptions. See the ePrescribing section for additional details.
During Medication Reconciliation (at patient discharge or change in service), if medications are selected to Continue and ePrescribe, they are displayed in the pending prescription list.
The Prescription Renewals heading acts as a link to the Pending Renewals page of the e-prescribing portal, powered by DrFirst. Click the heading to launch the e-prescribing portal and address pending renewals. See the ePrescribing section for additional details.
The Prescriptions Awaiting Signature heading acts as a link to the Signature page of the e-prescribing portal, powered by DrFirst. Click the heading to launch the e-prescribing portal and address prescriptions that have been entered by a "provider agent" (someone who has the authority to enter the medication, but not the authority to sign it.). See the ePrescribing section for additional details.
The health Maintenance list contains health maintenance alerts that need to be addressed by the physician. The Patient Name, Date of Birth, Vital Type, Result, and Date/Time are listed for each value. For each result, there are 2 buttons to perform actions on the value:
Place Orders button: Click this button to place the order for the desired item(s). |
This icon, if present, appears in front of the item in the list. This icon indicates that an order has been placed for this item. |
Show Details button: Click to display additional details regarding the item, including completion date, action, reason, and username. |
Acknowledge button: Click to acknowledge the individual item. See To acknowledge health maintenance items for details. |
From the list of healthcare items, click the Acknowledge button. The Acknowledge - Health Maintenance box is displayed.
From the Acknowledge tab, enter the following if you are Acknowledging the item:
In the Completion Date field, enter the date the health maintenance item was completed.
In the Completed field, select the appropriate completion status.
If appropriate, enter a reason in the
Reason box.
Enter the following if you are Overriding the item:
In the Interval field, select an item in the drop-down list to change the interval for recurrence.
In the Next Due Date, enter the next date that the health maintenance test is due.
Or, if appropriate, check the Always excluded for Patient check box if there should be no further recurrences for this test and this patient.
To view additional information regarding this item you may click the additional tabs in this box:
The History tab displays previous data collected regarding this item for this patient.
The Associated Orders tab displays associated orders that exist for this patient.
Click Save.
The Patient Communications sections displays recent communications with the patient. You can edit the original, remove, acknowledge, or addend the communication.
Show Details: Click this button to view details and history for the associated communication item. When the details are displayed, if the history section is not expanded, click the expand arrow to display the history information. For each item in the History section, you can vie w the associated log by clicking the Change Log button.
Edit Communication: Click the Edit button. The Edit Communication box is displayed. Update the information in the Communication field and then select a reason for editing in the Reason field. Click Save.
Remove a Communication: Click the Remove button. The Remove Communication box is displayed. Select a reason for removing the item in the Reason field and if desired, enter notes in the Comments box. Then, click Remove.
Acknowledge a Communication: Click the Acknowledge button. The Acknowledge Communication box is displayed. Select the appropriate Status: In Progress, Resolved, or New. (Note: The Status field is used to mark amendment requests as Approved or Denied.) If desired, enter notes in the Comments box, . Then, click Save. (Note: If the Assign Staff field is completed during the acknowledgement process, the item is moved from the Unassigned section to the Assigned section.) Or, you can acknowledge all communications using the Acknowledge All button located at the top right of the screen.
Update a Communication/Assign Staff: Click the Update button. The Update Communication box is displayed. This box lets you update all the details of the communication and add comments and/or additional information to the original entry. This is where you assign staff for this communication and move it to the Assigned Communications section and route it to another provider/clinician. See To add a communication for details on each field.
This section displays clinical decision support alerts. The criteria/rules for these alerts are created and maintained in Maintenance > General Application Setup > Clinical Decision.
From the list of alerts, you can perform the following actions:
This section displays alerts when Medication Reconciliations have been completed and need to be acknowledged. Click the section to view the details of the medication reconciliations.
The Draft Notes section displays notes that have been started on the Chart Notes page, but have not yet been signed and finalized. These notes do appear on the Chart Notes page for all users, but they are unavailable for viewing until the note has been signed.
The Draft Notes list is separated into two sections: My
Draft Notes and Other’s Draft
Notes. These two sections default to expanded when clicking on
Draft Notes in the Work List.
By separating Draft Notes into My Draft Notes and Other’s Draft Notes, users can (1) see their own draft notes in PWC (all that authored by them regardless of attending/consulting), (2) see other people's draft notes as needed, and (3) see their nurse’s draft notes in the Provider Work Center for provider’s who use the “nurse starts the note, physician finishes the note” work flow.
This section displays Hard Stop Order and Soft Stop Order alerts (also displayed on the Med Alerts page) based on the Hard and Soft Stops set up in the Pharmacy > Master Files > Formulary. From the PWC, Stop Order Alerts can be viewed and acknowledged (continued or discontinued).
Show Details button: Click to display the details of the stop alert. |
Acknowledge button: Click to acknowledge the alert. To acknowledge all alerts, click the Acknowledge All button located toward the upper right corner of the page. |
To acknowledge the alert, click the Acknowledge button located next to the alert. The Acknowledge - Hard Stop Alert or Acknowledge - Soft Stop Alert box is displayed. Select the desired option for the medication order:
Then, click Save. Once stop medication alerts have been acknowledged, they are removed from the PWC > Stop Order Alerts section.
This section displays a list of alerts for unacknowledged radiology reports (transcriptions) for the provider's patients, including the Patient Name, Exam Name, and Order Date/Time. From this view, the provider can view, and acknowledge/comment on the transcribed document using the PACS Viewer, Show Details, Acknowledge, and Review Document buttons for each radiology alert. Once the report has been acknowledged by the provider, it is removed from the list.
Show Details button: Click to display the order details. |
PACS Viewer: Click this button to launch the PACS image viewer. |
Review Document: Click this button to display the transcribed document. |
Acknowledge button: Click to acknowledge the individual report. To acknowledge all reports, click the Acknowledge All button located toward the upper right corner of the page. |
To acknowledge the alert, click the Acknowledge button located next to the alert. The Acknowledge box is displayed. If desired, enter comments. Then, click Save. The acknowledged report is removed from the list of unacknowledged reports.
Using the Shortcut Tabs: Search, Demographics, Summary, and Allergy |