Work Center



The following topics are discussed on this page. Use the links to jump to the desired subject:

Introduction to the Work Center

Navigating The Work Center

Viewing Details (Patient View)

Viewing Details (Task Schedule)

To complete tasks

To complete interventions

To print the list

Introduction to the Work Center

The Work Center is the healthcare team's portal to instant patient information, providing access to the frequently used clinical areas of the patient chart. Vital patient information, including a patient picture, is displayed on-screen, and detailed information essential to manage the whole care of the patient is accessible with a click of a button.

The Work Center allows you to:

The primary user of the Work Center is the nurse; however, with the ability to customize the module buttons, it is also useful for techs, CNAs, therapists, and other hands-on caregivers. The work center is customized by user role so that only the screens they use the most are visible.

Navigating The Work Center

From the Hospital Main page, click the Work Center button. The Work Center page is displayed.

If you see the alert icon,   , next to the Work Center button on the Main page, this means that Clinical Decision Support (CDS) alerts are present that need to be acknowledged.  These are patient alerts that are generated based on rules that are maintained in Maintenance > General > Clinical Decision Support. Click the Work Center button to proceed to the Work Center to address and acknowledge the alerts. See Patient Alerts for additional information.

The Work Center is divided into two on-screen areas: the list area and the details area. The green list area contains a list of either patients or scheduled times. Select the desired list in the View field: Patient or Task Schedule. The details area on the right side of the screen provides more details and accessible functions for the selected item in the green list area.

The Filter field is set to My Patients, which displays only the patients/scheduled times assigned to the logged in user. You can change this field to All Patients, which displays patients/scheduled times for all non-discharged patients or patients who have been discharged on the current date. (Patients are assigned to users using the Assign Staff function.) In addition, use the Units field to narrow the list by a specific nursing unit and the Patient Class field to narrow the list by patient class type(s).

To save filter settings, go to Actions > Save All Patients Filters. This saves your settings as a default for the next time you return to the page.

The Patient view includes 3 columns for each patient:

The Task Schedule view displays past due tasks and 1 hour time slots for 12 hours. There are 2 columns behind each time slot:

View: Patient

When viewing the Work Center in the Patient View, click the desired patient in the green area to list the patient information, alerts, and tasks due in the details area located on the right. The number of alerts in each category are listed in parentheses on the section tab header. You must expand each section to view the alerts in that section.

Patient Information: The top portion of the details area contains patient information such as name, physician, room, and location. Also, a carousel of buttons is available to access all Hospital functions. Click the desired button to jump quickly to that page.

Alerts: If alerts exist for the selected patient, they are displayed just below the patient information. To acknowledge the alerts, click the button. Once acknowledged, the alert is removed from the list.

Interventions: Interventions are activities that are directly related to the Plan of Care. If present, they are displayed just below the Alerts section. See To complete interventions for details on completing an intervention.

PRN/Cont: PRN tasks are displayed here in this section. Click the Show Details button to view additional details regarding the task, including start and schedule date, ordering physician, frequency, and special instructions. See To complete tasks for details on completing a PRN task.

Tasks: Scheduled tasks are displayed below the PRN/Cont alerts (if present) and patient information. Tasks are sorted by Priority where Stat and Overdue (past 12 hours) tasks are displayed first; then, scheduled tasks for the next 12 hours. Each task displays the description, priority, scheduled date, and time for the task. You can change the order to sort by Task or Time, by selecting the appropriate option from the Sort drop-down list. Click the Show Details button to view additional details regarding the task, including start date, ordering physician, frequency, and special instructions. See To complete tasks for details on completing a task.

Communications: The Patient Communications sections displays recent communications with the patient. You can edit the original, remove, acknowledge, or addend the communication:

  1. Draft Notes: The Draft Notes section displays notes that have been started on the Chart Notes page, but have not yet been signed and finalized. These notes do appear on the Chart Notes page for all users, but they are unavailable for viewing until the note has been signed.


Adding/removing patients

When viewing patients using the My Patients filter, there are additional options available at the top right of the page: Add Patient, Remove Patient, and Print.

Seeing More...

The Work Center Patient > My Patients view defaults to display patient data for those patients admitted in the last 3 months. And, the Task Schedule > My Patients view defaults to display patients admitted in the last 2 weeks. However, all pending (unsigned) items are always displayed.

If you wish to see data from an earlier period of time, click Actions > More Filters. The Admission Date box is displayed. Select the appropriate Admission Date and click Select. Patient data from that admission date is displayed.

View: Task Schedule

When viewing the Work Center in the Task Schedule View, all past due tasks are listed initially to be handled first. Or, you can click Past Due, located in the time list, at any time to view the past due tasks. Click a scheduled time in the green area to list the task information, alerts, and tasks due in the details area located on the right.

For each task, the patient name is displayed along with MR#, Visit #, Physician, Room, and Location; then, the task information below, which includes the task description, priority, and time.

To complete tasks

You can complete tasks from either the Task Schedule view or the Patient view.

  1. Check the box(es) and click Complete Selected located in the upper right corner of the page. The Complete Task box is displayed.

  2. On the Task tab, select Administered or Not Administered.

  3. Review the Date/Time fields and modify, as needed, using the calendar and clock buttons. Note: You are not allowed to enter a date/time in the future.

  4. The Quantity field defaults to 1. Modify, as necessary, by entering the appropriate number in this field.

  5. If desired, enter comments in the Notes field.

  6. To add charges to this task, click the Add Charges tab. The existing charge for this task is displayed. Click to display the Add Additional Charges box. From this box, type the new charge in the Charge field. (As you type, existing matches are displayed for selection.) Enter the Quantity, Modifier 1, and Modifier 2 (if applicable). Then, click Save and Close. Or, if you have more to add, click Save and Add More.

  7. Click Save from the Complete Task box. Once tasks are completed, they are removed from the list.

To complete interventions

  1. From the Intervention list, check the box(es) and click Complete Selected located in the upper right corner of the page. The Complete Task box is displayed.

  2. Select Administered or Not Administered.

  3. Review the Date/Time fields and modify, as needed, using the calendar and clock buttons. Note: You are not allowed to enter a date/time in the future.

  4. If desired, enter comments in the Notes field.

  5. Click Save. Once interventions are completed, the Last Charted Date/Time is updated.

Pending Medication Reconciliation

When a Pending Medication Reconciliation exists, an alert is sent to the Clinician Work Center.  This alert is dynamic – when the clinician acknowledges the medication reconciliation alert, it acknowledges the reconciliation just as if the user was on the medication reconciliation page.  It does not require the clinician to return to the medication reconciliation screen to complete the reconciliation. If edits need to be made, the clinician should return to the Medication Reconciliation page. See Medication Reconciliation for additional details.

Adding Patient Images

The Work Center displays a patient image box located next to the patient name information. To load the patient image, use the following steps:

  1. Go to Patient Registration > Registration. In the Search For box, type the name of the patient you are looking for. Then, in the top grid, highlight the desired patient and click Edit MPI. The Edit Master Patient Index window is displayed.

  2. Click the @Images button. The Healthland Document Viewer is displayed.

  3. Click the Import Documents button which is located above the File Console, next to the Printer icon. The Select Document(s) to Import window is displayed.

  4. Browse to locate the image and select it. Then, click Open. The Document Properties box is displayed.

  5. In the Divider field, use the drop-down list to select the Patient Images divider. Then, click Ok.  The image has been attached to the patient's MPI record.

  6. To enable viewing of the images, perform the following setup in User Administration:

To print the list

From any view, filter, or selection, you can print the current display by clicking Print. The selected information is displayed in a window, where you can use the browser print function to select the desired printer and print.

Related Topics

Selecting Patients

Using the Shortcut Tabs: Search, Demographics, Summary, and Allergies

Assign Staff

Provider Work Center