

The ePrescribing button provides a link to DrFirst (our third party partner) for e-prescribing functionality. ePrescribing provides an electronic location of the patient's medication profile that can be accessed by multiple care sites, electronically generate prescriptions, automatically update the patient's current profile with their Home Meds (previously entered by another provider) and many other features.

Using the ePrescribing functionality requires licensing and setup . Contact your Account Manager for details.


To access ePrescribing (DrFirst)

  1. From the Main page,  click the ePrescribing button. (If a patient hasn't already been selected from the Main page, the Patient Visit search box is displayed for you to select the desired patient.)

  2. If there is missing patient information in the ePrescribing record, the Patient record(s) validation box is displayed. Enter the appropriate patient information. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*). Click Save.

  3. The ePrescribing (DrFirst) portal page is displayed. For details on using DrFirst, Log in to Learning Depot and click here to view the Centriq ePrescribing with DrFirst User Guide.

  4. Once the information has been entered and saved in DrFirst and you return to the Hospital application, the Home Medications list is updated.

If no pharmacy has been determined for the patient, you will be directed to select or enter the pharmacy name, address, and fax number. Select the desired list: Favorite List, Practice List, or All Lists, then click Find. Click on a pharmacy name to select that pharmacy for the patient. Otherwise, you will be directed to the Prescribe a Medication page.

Currently, when ePrescribing is launched for a patient, the location defaults to the ePrescribing External Location ID (Maintenance > General > Facility > Facility Profile) that is associated with the facility for the patient visit. For users who typically access ePrescribing for clinic patients, this usually requires the user to switch to a different practice once DrFirst launches. A check box, Use Rcopia Preference, is located in User Administration > Master Files > Users > Edit screen. This check box defaults to unchecked. For clinic users, check this box so that the location preference set in DrFirst > Options > Preferences - user > Use this hospital/practice as your starting location in RcopiaHIS is used instead of the location associated with the patient visit. (Note: Your facility must have multiple locations set up in DrFirst for this setting to be displayed.)

ePrescribing links throughout the application

You may see ePrescribing links throughout the application to provide you direct access and updates to the portal database: Home Medications, Medication Reconciliation, and the Provider Center. From the Home Medications and Medication Reconciliation pages, click the Update Now button to update the page with the ePrescribing profile information. The date that the data was last updated or requested from DrFirst is displayed under the Update Now button.

To ensure that medications are displayed/synchronized as expected, click Update Now, press <F5>, or go to another tab and then back to the current tab to refresh the web page.

When medications are communicated to the ePrescribing portal as an inpatient medication, they are unable to be edited in the ePrescribing portal pages. These medications must be managed (edited, discontinued, held, etc.) in CPOE.

To log out of the ePrescribing portal

When finished with the DrFirst portal page, it is important to click Logout. This refreshes the synchronization between Centriq and DrFirst. Do not click the red X to close the window or the synchronization process won't occur immediately.