Health Maintenance


The following topics are discussed on this page. Use the links to jump to the desired area:

To access Health Maintenance

Health Maintenance notification methods

Actions in the Health Maintenance List

To create Health Maintenance rules

To acknowledge Health Maintenance items

Automatically Acknowledged Alerts

The Health Maintenance page allows you to manage alerts for preventative healthcare tests/procedures based on pre-determined rules. From this page, you can acknowledge the alerts and initiate communication with the patient regarding the procedure. Pre-determined rules can be determined on the Health Maintenance page or on the Maintenance > General Application Set page.

The use of the Health Maintenance database requires licensing and setup. Contact your Account Manager for details.

To access Health Maintenance

To access the Health Maintenance page, click the Health Maintenance button on the Hospital Main page. A list of active reminders for All Patients due for the current day is displayed. (To view a list of all reminders, check the All Codes check box.) If you have previously selected a patient, then the view defaults to the Specific Patient tab and displays a list specific to the selected patient. From the Specific Patient tab, you can view alerts in two categories: Pending Due Procedures and History. In the History section, the Completion Date, Action, Reason, and the User who acknowledged the HM alert.

All Patients > Generate Notifications

The All Patients view has multiple sections based on the method of notifying the patient regarding the procedure/test item: Verbal, Letter, Email, and No Preference. Alerts are listed in each of these sections with the Patient Name, MR#, and Description. (Note: To document the patient's contact preference, go to the Demographics tab > Information section > Contact Preference field.)

When creating the letters and emails, the logo that appears on the notification is based on which clinic that the patient last visited and uses that logo. If a clinic visit doesn't exist, then it is based on the last inpatient facility and uses that logo. If patient does not have a prior visit, then the default logo defined in General Set Maintenance is used.

To generate letters

From the Letter section,  you can send letters to all that have not been sent by clicking the Send All Unsent Letters option. Or, check the box for individual item(s) you wish to generate letters for, then click Send Selected Letters. This option works well when it is necessary to resend an individual letter. A check mark appears next to reminders when letters have already been generated. If letters have already been sent, you can re-send them using the Resend Selected button.

The individual line items for a single patient are consolidated. So if patient A has three line items, and you send an email or letter for one of them, all three items will be consolidated into a single communication and the green checkmark will display next to all three.

To generate emails

From the Email section, you can send emails to all that have not been sent by clicking the Send All Unsent Emails option. Or, check the box for individual item(s) you wish to generate emails for, then click Send Selected Emails. This option works well when it is necessary to resend an individual email. A check mark appears next to reminders when emails have already been generated. If emails have already been sent, you can re-send them using the Resend Selected button.

The individual line items for a single patient are consolidated. So if patient A has three line items, and you send an email or letter for one of them, all three items will be consolidated into a single communication and the green checkmark will display next to all three.

To document verbal communication

For patients that prefer verbal communication, the patient address and phone number is displayed when the Show Details button is clicked. To document that the contact was made with the patient, click Patient Contacted. A green check mark appears next to the item.

To add a comment

You can add a comment regarding the communication with the patient. To add a note to the reminder/alert, click the Show Details button. Then, click Add Note. The Note box is displayed. Enter the appropriate text and click Save.

Action Buttons in the Health Maintenance List

Show Details: Click this button located to the right of the reminder. Additional details for the order are displayed. To hide the order details, click this button again.

Acknowledge: To acknowledge a reminder, click this button.

Place Orders: When available, click this button to display the change log which includes details on modifications, date/time information, and username. Once an order has been placed in correlation with the reminder, an icon is displayed next to the reminder.

This icon, if present, appears in front of the item in the list. This icon indicates that an order has been placed for this item.

To create schedule rules

Pre-determined rules can be determined on the Health Maintenance page or on the Maintenance > General Application Set page. To add a rule, click the Add Schedule Rule button. The Health Maintenance Schedules box is displayed. For step by step details on creating schedules, go to the Maintenance > Health Maintenance section of application help.

To acknowledge Health Maintenance items

There are two ways that HM items get acknowledged. (1) When an order is placed and then completed, i.e. med is administered, order is completed, and (2) when items are manually acknowledged using the Acknowledge button. Follow the steps below to manually acknowledge an item:

  1. From the list of healthcare items, click the Acknowledge button. The Acknowledge - Health Maintenance box is displayed.
  2. From the Acknowledge tab, enter the following if you are Acknowledging the item:
  3. Enter the following if you are Overriding the item:
  4. To view additional information regarding this item you may click the additional tabs in this box:
  5. Click Save.

Automatically Acknowledged Alerts

If a rule/alert has one order associated to it, the alert is automatically removed and acknowledged from all views when the associated order reaches Complete status. If a rule/alert has multiple orders associated to it, the alert is automatically removed and acknowledged from all views only when ALL of the associated orders have reached Complete status. The Completion Date is the date that the order (or the last order) was completed, the rule/alert is acknowledged as Procedure Performed, and the Next Due Date is automatically calculated based on the rule. (Note: When alerts are auto-acknowledged, the user does not have the option to override the Next Due Date.)

In addition, if an associated order is "unadministered" (eMAR), the health maintenance alert is also reverted back to "unacknowledged". However, manually acknowledged alerts are not be reverted back to "unacknowledged".

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Using the Shortcut Tabs: Search, Demographics, Summary, and Allergy