The following topics are discussed on this page. Use the links to jump to the desired subject:
Detached Chart Note Alert Message Time
Note Threshold Notification Settings
Social Profile Additional Questions
The Maintenance: General page is used to setup and maintain certain customizable features used throughout the Centriq applications.
If you do not see certain sections or cannot complete certain tasks such as Add or Edit, it may be because your User Role does not have the appropriate permissions. Contact your System Administrator for details.
Each area is a separate tab and can be expanded or collapsed using the Show Details button. When expanded the details for that maintenance topic and customizable fields are displayed. See each section below for setup details for that topic. In addition, you may see the following buttons which perform functions for that section:
Show Details button: Click this button to expand the section and view additional details. |
Add button: Click this button to add a new item to the list. Sometimes this button will appear next to multiple sections. Make sure to click the Add button in the location where you wish to add the new item. |
View Change Log button: Click to view the details of the delivery and any changes. See Making changes to delivery items. To return to the Pregnancy History List, click Back. |
Edit button: Click to edit an item. When using this button, make sure you are clicking the appropriate Edit button that is located next to the item you wish to edit. |
Remove button: Click to remove an item from the list. |
* When the facility is using the Chart Note functionality, this section is titled Chart Note Types. When the facility is using the Notes functionality (new in v11.0), this section is title Note Types.
This section is used to view and create Note Types (and Chart Note Types*) used when creating notes from the Notes/Chart Notes page.
To view a current list of note types, click Show Details. All active note types are displayed. To view active and inactive rules check the All Codes box. A list of note types is displayed with the Code, Description, and Status. From the list of note types, you can edit the note type or remove the note type:
Edit: To edit an existing Note Type, click the corresponding Edit Note Type (triangle button). Make the necessary changes using the instructions in To create a new chart note type.
Remove: Note Types can only be removed if no chart notes exist using that note type. The remove button will only be visible for these note types that can be removed. To remove a chart note type, click the corresponding Remove button (minus sign). The Confirm box is displayed. Click Remove.
Go to Maintenance > General Set > Note Types (Chart Note Types*). Click the Add Note Type button (plus sign). The Add Note Type window is displayed.
The Active check box is checked. To inactivate this Note Type, uncheck the Active box.
In the Code field, enter a numeric code for the note type.
In the Description field, type a description for the note type. This field accommodates 100 characters.
Click Save.
This section is used to view and create clinical decision support rules. To view current rules, click the magnifying glass button. All active rules are displayed. To view active and inactive rules check the All Codes box.
From the list of rules, you can view the details, edit the rule, or remove the rule:
To view the details of a rule, click the corresponding Show Details button (magnifying glass).
To edit an existing rule, click the corresponding Edit CDS Rule (triangle button). Make the necessary changes using the instructions in To create a new clinical decision support rule. To mark a CDS rule inactive, uncheck the Active box. This does not remove any existing alerts that may be currently displayed for the rule.
To remove a rule, click the corresponding Remove button (minus sign). The Remove CDS Rule box is displayed. Click Remove. Note: Only rules that do not have any alerts attached to them will have a Remove button available.
Go to Maintenance > General Set > Clinical Decision Support. Click the Add Clinical Decision Support Rule button (plus sign). The Add Clinical Decision Support Rule window is displayed with the Rule Criteria tab activated.
The Active check box automatically defaults to checked. To make this rule inactive, uncheck the Active check box.
In the Code field, enter a numeric code for the rule.
In the Description field, type a description for the rule.
In the Alert Area field, use the drop-down to select the area where you would like the alert to display (when activated): WC (Work Center), PWC (Provider Work Center), or Both.
In the Patient Class Type field, select the patient class types that this rule applies to. Check Select All to include all patient class types.
Build your rule/alert by selecting criteria for one or more of the following fields:
Age: Select Any to include all ages; or enter a value in the Less Than > years field or the Greater Than > years field to add age criteria to the rule.
Gender: Use the drop-down list to select Male, Female, or Both to add gender criteria.
Problem: Type the first few letters of the problem (or code) to display matches. Select the appropriate problem, then, click the Add button (plus sign). The problem is displayed down in the Problems Selected section. To add additional problem(s), repeat process by typing the problem name and/or code in the Problem field and click the Add button.
Medication: Type the first few letters of the medication to display matches. Select the appropriate medication, then, click the Add button (plus sign). The medication is displayed down in the Medications Selected section. To add additional medications(s), repeat process by typing the problem name in the Medication field and click the Add button.
Allergy: Type the first few letters of the allergy to display matches. Select the appropriate allergy, then, click the Add button (plus sign). The allergy is displayed down in the Allergies Selected section. To add additional allergies, repeat process by typing the allergy name in the Allergy field and click the Add button.
Vital: In the Vital field, use the drop-down list to select the vital sign you wish to use for the alert/rule. Then, enter the appropriate values in the Greater Than and Less Than fields. Click the Add button to add it to the rule. The criteria is displayed in the Vitals Selected section. Repeat for additional vital signs you may want to add.
Lab Result: In the Lab Result field, type the first few letters of the test you wish to use for the alert/rule and select it from the displayed list. Then, enter the appropriate values in the Greater Than and Less Than fields.
In the Alert Message field, enter the text for the message that is displayed in the location specified above in step 4. We recommend that you be specific with details regarding the rule/alert in the Alert Message because it is the only message clinicians will see on the Work Center and Provider Work Center - displayed in the Description field of the alerts area.
In the Alert Recipient field, use the drop down list to select the recipient users for the message.
(Optional) In the Education Resource, enter the source URL for the supporting data behind creating this rule, if available. This link will be available from the alert message. If the link is not valid, an error message is displayed: The link is not a valid link.
(Optional) In the Resource Developer field, enter the name of the developer of the intervention from the Education Resource link.
(Optional) In the Funding Source field, enter the funding source of the intervention development for the resource.
In the Revision Date field, enter the date that the intervention or reference source has been revised or updated.
(Optional) In the Release field, enter the release name/number for the education resource.
(Optional) Associated Orders: To attach orders/order sets to the rule, click the Associated Orders tab. By attaching orders to the rule, when the alert is displayed in the Provider Work Center and the Nurse Work Center, the user will have the option of selecting from the attached orders to be placed for the patient. To attach orders, in the Order field, begin typing the name of the order. Select the order from the list of matches and click the Add button (plus sign). The selected order is displayed in the Orders Selected section. Repeat for additional orders. To remove an order, click the Remove button located next to the order in the Orders Selected section.
Click Save and Add More to save this rule and add more. Or, click Save and Close to save this rule and close the window to return to the Maintenance page.
The CPOE section is used to set up the defaults for order entry. To view current settings, click the magnifying glass button to expand the section. To remove current settings, click the Remove (-) button next to the application setting you wish to remove. Or, to edit existing settings, click the Edit button (triangle) next to the desired application settings. To add new settings, click the Add button (+) to display the Add Default Order Parameters dialog box.
In the Application field, select the application you are making the settings for: Hospital, Emergency Department, or Clinic.
In the Frequency field, use the drop down lis to select the default frequency for orders. If you wish for the user to have to select a Frequency, select Prompt User.
In the Priority field, use the drop down list to select the default priority for orders. If you wish for the user to have to select a Frequency, select Prompt User.
In the Duration fields, enter the quantity in the first field and the units in the second field to build the default duration for orders. If you wish for the user to have to select a Frequency, select Prompt User.
In the Q<>H Orders First Admin Time field, select the desired option for the administration time when qxhours orders are first ordered: At the Top of the Hour, At the Bottom of the Hour, or blank.
Blank: This leaves the start time (first administration time as current) and allows the user to enter the times during CPOE.
At the top of the hour: Selecting this option sets the default start time (first administration time) as the next top of the hour. For example, if the order is placed at 09:15, the first administration time will be 10:00 (the next top of the hour).
At the bottom of the hour: Selecting this option sets the default start time (first administration time) as the next bottom of the hour. For example, if the order is placed at 09:15, the first administration time will be 09:30 (the next top of the hour) and an order placed at 09:45, the first administration time will be 10:30.
In the Medication Order Verification Required field, select Yes or No. If the Medication Order Verification Required value is No, then UV order status records are displayed in eMAR to be administered, allowing the user to administer it without verification.
Then, click Save and Close. Or, if you want to enter settings for another application, click Save and Add More.
This setting accompanies the feature which allows a chart note to be detached/minimized. This field allows the user to determine the length of time after a message is displayed to the user before the window closes automatically.
In the Detached Chart Note Alert Message Time field, enter the desired value (5-30) in the field. The setting defaults to 5 seconds. User Security is required to access this section of the Maintenance page. Go to User Administration > Master Files > User Roles to assign privileges.
This setting enables the master document list and search features on the Documents tab of the Patient Chart. In this section, check the option to Enable Document Search to activate the functionality, and uncheck to disable the functionality.
Security access is required to access this new setting. Go to User Administration > Master Files > User Roles and grant access to the Maintenance New Document Search Settings option.
The Evidence Based Order Set (EBOS) database contains a standard collection of order sets provided by a 3rd party partner, Wolters-Kluwer. The Details section displays the version of the database your site is using along with the Revision Date and Date of Installation information. There are no customizable fields in this section - this information is automatically populated during an update.
The Email section contains several sections: System Email, Email Accounts, Parameters, and Email Profiles. System email lets you send email messages from the Hospital, Clinic, or Emergency Department applications. For example, facilities can use various email accounts and profiles (such as “Clinic”) to send emails to patients.
Before you enable system email, make sure your email setup is complete:
Add email profiles, associate email account(s) to them, and prioritize the email accounts.
Click the Configure System Email button (green triangle). The System Email window is displayed.
In the Email field, select On.
Click Save.
Click the configure System Email button (green triangle). The System Email window is displayed.
In the Email field, select Off.
Click Save.
The Email Accounts section is used to display the existing email accounts for the facility. Details include the actual email address and SMTP for system email accounts. You can associate one or more emails to an email profile. The Email Accounts section displays the existing email accounts for the organization. To view the accounts, click the Show Details button. For each item in the list, you can edit or delete the account by using the green buttons to the right of the Account Name.
To add a new account, click the Add (+) button. The Add Account box is displayed.
In the Account Name field, enter the name of the account.
(Optional) In the Description field, enter a description for the account.
In the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) section, enter the Email Address, Display Name, Reply Email, Server Name and Port Number for the account. If applicable, check the Use SSL check box.
In the SMTP section, select the appropriate authentication method: Windows Authentication using Database service credentials, Anonymous Authentication, or Basic Authentication.
Then, click Save to add the account to the profile.
The Parameters section is used to set up parameters that apply to all email accounts. To view the Parameters field, click the Configure Parameters button (green triangle). The Parameters window is displayed.
Enter the appropriate information in the following fields:
Retry Attempts
Retry Delay
Maximum File Size
Prohibited File Types
Min Executable Lifetime
Logging Level
Click Save to save changes.
The Email Profiles sections displays the existing profiles for the site. To view the profiles, click the Show Details button. For each item in the list, you can edit or delete the account by using the green buttons to the right of the profile.
To add a new profile, click the Add (+) button. The Add Profile box is displayed.
In the Profile Name field, enter the name of the email profile, i.e., clinic email, etc.
In the Description field, enter a description for the email profile.
To add email accounts to the profile, check the Select box(es) next to the name.
Click the Public Profiles tab to identify which profile is the default and which profiles are public. To set the default profile, click the radio button in the Default column for the desired profile. To identify public profiles, check the box in the Public column next to the public profiles.
Then, click Save.
The Facility section is where you setup your facility profile and can upload your facility logo to be used with Health Maintenance letters and emails. When creating the letters and emails, the logo that appears on the notification is based on which outpatient facility that the patient last visited and uses that logo. If an outpatient visit doesn't exist, then it is based on the last inpatient facility and uses that logo. If patient does not have a prior visit, then the default logo is used. The Use Selected Facility as Default check box is used to identify the standard logo for emails and letters when the patient has had no prior visit. If a facility logo has not been loaded in Maintenance > Facility, the application will use the logo stored in the Company record in User Administration.
Other standard reports, such as the Clinical Summary on the Discharge Documents page, use the company logo. The company logo is added and maintained on the company record in the User Administration application. For more information, see the User Administration Application Help.
The Health Language section allows the site to determine the number of results that display from the SNOMED/ICD-9 searches in the fields where the Health Language database is enabled, i.e. Problem List, Family History, Surgery History, etc. In the Maximum Results field, enter a value for the number of results to display, i.e. 50. The default (and maximum value) for this field is 99.
The Health Maintenance section allows your facility to create and edit the Health Maintenance Schedule Rules used to generate Health Maintenance alerts.
Click the Add button [+] to create a new scheduled rule. (Or, to edit a schedule, click the Edit button.) The Health Maintenance Schedules box is displayed.
In the Code field, enter a unique code used to identify this maintenance schedule. If you are editing the schedule, enter the code for the schedule you would like to edit. This displays the current settings for the schedule.
In the Description field, enter a description for this maintenance schedule. This is the description that appears on the patient notification, so ensure that the description will be easily understood by the patient. It is recommended that you do not use acronyms.
Use the Age fields if this schedule is for specific range of patient ages. Enter the appropriate number in years, months and/or days in the Greater Than and Less Than fields. For example, if this schedule only applies to patients 40 - 65 years old, you would enter 39 in the Greater Than > years field and enter 66 in the Less Than > years field.
Use the Gender field if this schedule applies to a specific gender. Select the appropriate option in the drop-down list in the Gender field that this schedule applies to.
Use the Problem field if this schedule applies to patient's that have specific problem(s) on their Problem List. Begin typing the first few letters of the problem to display a list of matches. Select the desired problem and click the Add button [+] to add it to this schedule. Repeat to add additional problems to the schedule.
Use the Medication field if this schedule applies to patient's that have specific medication(s) on their Medication List. Begin typing the first few letters of the medication to display a list of matches. Select the desired medication and click the Add button [+] to add it to this schedule. Repeat to add additional medications to the schedule.
Use the Allergies field if this schedule applies to patient's that have a specific allergy on their Allergy Profile. Begin typing the first few letters of the allergy to display a list of matches. Select the desired allergy and click the Add button [+] to add it to this schedule. Repeat to add additional allergies.
Use the Lab Results fields if this schedule applies to patient's that have specific lab result(s). Begin typing the first few letters of the test description to display a list of matches. Select the desired test. Before clicking the Add button [+], select the Lab Value details in the Greater Than and Less Than fields. For example, if this schedule only applies to patients that have a potassium value over 6.0, you would select the potassium test in the Lab Results field, then enter 6.0 in the Greater Than field. Then, click the Add button [+] to add this lab result schedule. Repeat for additional lab results.
In the Interval fields, indicate the frequency for this alert: Once, Every, Specific Interval, or Sequence.
If you select Once, there are no other selections necessary.
If you select Every, use the drop-down list to select the frequency.
If you select Specific Interval, enter a value in the Years or Days fields.
If you select Sequence, enter values in the Next and Last fields for months and/or days.
Click Save to save the schedule and return to the Maintenance page. Or, click the Associated Orders tab to associate orders with the rule. See Associated Orders for details.
Use this tab to attach orders to the health maintenance rule.
Use this section to customize letters and emails sent to patients. Go to Maintenance > General > Health Maintenance > Health Maintenance Alert Facility Communications. Click the magnifying glass to view a list of existing communications. Click the Edit button next to the communication to edit it. Or, click the Remove button to remove it.
To add a new communication:
This setting determines the number of alerts displayed per page on the Health Maintenance page. In the Rows Per Page field, enter the number of rows to display per page. Then, click Save.
This maintenance setting identifies the URL for the Healthland hosted application help, which is version specific to the currently running Centriq software.
So, the path should be similar to this:
Use the Immunization section to define the options for Immunization Funding Source and Immunization Funding Program Eligibility. To view the existing setting for each category, click the magnifying glass located to the right of the option. Inactive items are hidden from the list. To show the inactive items, check the Show Inactive check box. From this view, you can edit an item in the list by clicking the Edit button located next to the item.
To add a new Immunization Funding Source, click the Add button next to this section. The Add Funding Source box is displayed.
To add a new Immunization Funding Program Eligibility, click the Add button next to this section. The Add Immunization Funding Program Eligibility box is displayed.
Use this section to turn on or off the automatic reporting of immunizations to the registry via HL7. Click the edit button next to this heading. Select Yes to turn on automatic immunization reporting. Click No to turn automatic immunization reporting off. Then, click Save. Based on this setting, the immunization hl7 transaction will be automatic or manual. Automatic if set to Yes; manual if set to No.
Use this section to display the immunization history and forecasting information will display on the Immunization page, as well as the Query Registry button. Click the edit button next to this heading. Select Yes to turn display the history and forecasting information on and enable the Query Registry button on the Immunizations page . Click No to turn history and forecasting information and the Query Registry button off. Then, click Save.
Use this section to identify the implant log options for hardware sets, implant descriptions, implant locations, and manufacturers.
To view a list of existing hardware types, click the magnifying glass. Inactive items are hidden from the list. To show the inactive items, check the Show Inactive check box. From this view, you can edit an item in the list by clicking the Edit button located next to the hardware type.
To add a new hardware type, click the Add button. The Add Hardware Set box is displayed.
To view a list of existing locations, click the magnifying glass. Inactive items are hidden from the list. To show the inactive locations, check the Show Inactive check box. From this view, you can edit an item in the list by clicking the Edit button located next to the location.
To add a new location, click the Add button. The Add Implant Location box is displayed.
To view a list of existing manufacturers, click the magnifying glass. Inactive items are hidden from the list. To show the inactive manufacturers, check the Show Inactive check box. From this view, you can edit an item in the list by clicking the Edit button located next to the manufacturer.
To add a new manufacturer, click the Add button. The Add Manufacturer box is displayed.
Use this section to identify the intake options for Non-Admission Reasons, Referral Source Types, Organizations, Legal Status Codes, and Paging.
To view a list of existing reasons, click the magnifying glass. Inactive items are hidden from the list. To show the inactive items, check the Show Inactive check box. From this view, you can edit an item in the list by clicking the Edit button located next to the item.
To add a new non-admission reason, click the Add button. The Add Non-Admission Reason box is displayed.
To view a list of existing referral source types, click the magnifying glass. Inactive items are hidden from the list. To show the inactive items, check the Show Inactive check box. From this view, you can edit an item in the list by clicking the Edit button located next to the item.
To add a new referral source type, click the Add button. The Add Referral Source Type box is displayed.
To view a list of existing organizations, click the magnifying glass. Inactive items are hidden from the list. To show the inactive items, check the Show Inactive check box. From this view, you can edit an item in the list by clicking the Edit button located next to the item.
To add a new organization, click the Add button. The Add Organization box is displayed.
To view a list of existing legal status codes, click the magnifying glass. Inactive items are hidden from the list. To show the inactive items, check the Show Inactive check box. From this view, you can edit an item in the list by clicking the Edit button located next to the item.
To add a new legal status code, click the Add button. The Add Legal Status Code box is displayed.
The Paging setting allows you to define how many rows per page are displayed in the Implant Log. Click the Edit button to view and/or modify this setting. Enter the number of rows in the Rows Per Page field. Click Save.
The Default Record Count setting allows you to define the default of the number of records that display for each scroll cycle on the Lab Results tab of the Patient Chart when using the Last 12 Months option. Click the Edit button to view and/or modify this setting. Enter the number of records in the Default Number of records to display field. Click Save.
This section is used to detail the settings for extracting data to be sent to the third party reporting vendor, Iatric, for Meaningful Use Reporting.
This section is used to set up medical devices that are used to interface to the Vitals page. This heading is only visible when the License Key is set to True for the Medical Device Interface AC in the Configuration Manager. Contact a Healthland representative to discuss this feature.
Click the triangle (edit) button to set up the Medical Device. The Medical Device Setup box is displayed. For the Retrieve Vitals Button field, select On or Off (default). If On, the Medical Device button will be available from Patient Chart: Vitals button bar. In the Vitals Button URL field, enter the URL defined by Accelero Connect configured at the customer site. Once all information is completed, click Save.
This section is used to identify the list of options in the Other Family Members list. Click the edit button to display the Family Member Relatives box. In the Other Family Members field, use the drop-down list to select the options that should be displayed in that field.
Medical Necessity Checking is primarily for Medicare patients, outpatients, certain laboratory tests and procedures. It provides a way to help ensure that a test or procedure will be covered by the insurance company before or when placing new orders.
NOTE: Medical Necessity Checking requires licensing and configuration by Healthland staff.
This setting is used to determine the method you'd like to use at your site for medical necessity checking. Click the Edit button (green triangle) next to Medical necessity Configuration Settings. The Medical Necessity Configuration Settings are displayed.
Automatic: This setting will perform the MNC when the order is saved for orders that meet the defined criteria based on payer and patient class, i.e. outpatient, Medicare orders. Note: Even if this option is selected here, the user always has the ability to use the manual check process via a button in CPOE.
Manual: This setting indicates that no automatic checking will occur, but the user has the ability during the CPOE process to click a button and manually check an order for medical necessity.
Off: Medical necessity checking is off and cannot be performed at your facility in CPOE.
The Medical Summary section allows the facility to determine the Default Version used for generating the Medical Summary, the Security and Prohibitions, and the Auto Generate/Export settings.
Click the Edit button (green triangle) next to Default Version. The Medical Summary Defaults are displayed. In the Version field, select the version to be used when generating the C-CDA from the Medical Summary page: C-CDA R2.1 or C-CDA R1.1. Then, click Save.
Click the Edit button (green triangle) next to Security and Privacy Prohibitions. The Edit Security and Privacy Prohibitions window is displayed. In the Statement field, modify the security and privacy statement, as needed. Then, click Save.
This setting identifies patient classes that will have an automatically generated Medical Summary document. In addition, the automatically generated document can also be automatically exported to the portal. Click the magnifying glass next to Auto Generate/Export Medical Summary to display a list of existing auto generation criteria. To edit existing items, click the Edit button located next to the item. Make changes and click Save. Or, to create a new item in the list, click the Add button. The Add Auto Generate/Export Criteria box is displayed.
This setting allows you to set the amount of rows per page on the Medication Alerts view. Click the Edit button located next to Paging. The Paging box is displayed. In the Rows Per Page field, enter the number or rows that you'd like to display on each page. Then, click Save.
This section is used to customize the settings for medication reconciliation functionality. Click the Edit button to display the Settings box.
In the Hours
Until Discharge field,
enter the appropriate number of hours. This
time frame specifies the time delay between when the medication reconciliation
is performed and when the orders are processed. This
setting applies to all three Service Level Transition options (Admission,
Transfer, and Discharge) and for all providers.
For example, if providers normally round on patients at 0700 and perform
medication reconciliation at that time for patients being discharge
(leaving at 1200), the facility may want to set this parameter for
5 hours. This will
‘hold’ the orders from processing and moving from active to D/C until
1200. If the reconciliation
is being done for an admission, they will want to enter the current
time in the Confirm Medication Reconciliation window prior to saving
so that the reconciliation processes immediately.
In the Group By field, use the drop-down list to select one of the options for the default grouping of the medications when selecting the Discharge service level transition: Alphabetical, Therapeutic Class, or Individual Sections. (This setting only affects the Discharge service level transition.)
Alphabetical: Lists all medications, home and facility in alphabetical order. Does not include orders listed in Previous Visit medications section.
Therapeutic Class: Groups medications by their therapeutic class, as determined by the MediSpan class assigned in the formulary. If a medication doesn’t have a therapeutic class noted in the formulary, it is shown in a separate section called Unknown. Does not include orders listed in Previous Visit Medications section.
Individual Sections: Groups medications by Home, Currently Ordered, and Previous Visit, just as they display in the other screens.
When viewing medication reconciliation history, if more than one page of visit reports exist, the display is determined by the setting in Patient Chart > Paging. See Patient Chart.
This section is used to identify the MU reporting preferences:
Click the Edit button next to Patient Class Setup option to select the method to be used for ED measures. The facility has 2 options for calculating measures based on patient class. Select the desired patient class for Meaningful Use calculations: E - Inpatient or Emergency Department or O - Inpatient or Observation. Then, click Save. For measures that refer to emergency services data, the Healthland applications have been designed to create meaningful use information for clients that have either the Centriq ED module, the Centriq Hospital module, or the Centriq Patient Registration module.
Use this setting to determine which denominator to use for Menu Measure #6: Lab Results to Ambulatory Providers. This measure details a denominator (includes only electronic lab orders received from ambulatory providers) and an alternative denominator (includes all lab orders from ambulatory providers). Click the Edit button next to External lab Order Setup to display the External Lab Order Setup box. This box displays 2 options: A - All to use the all lab orders calculation or E - Electronic Only to use only electronically received lab orders from ambulatory providers. Make the selection for the denominator calculation you would like to use at your facility. Then, click Save.
Use this setting to determine if controlled substances are included or excluded from the Core Measure #2: ePrescribe calculations for the eligible provider. Click the Edit button to display the ePrescribe Measure Setup (EP Stage 2) box. In the ePrescribe field, select Include Controlled Substance or Exclude Controlled Substance. Then, click Save.
Use this setting to determine which vital signs are included/excluded in the Core Measure #4: Vital Sign calculations for the eligible provider. Click the Edit button to display the Vital Sign Measure Setup (EP Stage 2) box. In the Vital Sign Measure field, select on of the following:
Then, click Save.
Use this setting to identify the patient classes that are used for Eligible Hospital reporting. Select the patient classes in the drop-down list that are to be included in Eligible Hospital Meaningful Use Reporting.
Use this setting to identify the patient classes that are used for Eligible Professional reporting. Select the patient classes considered to be clinic patient classes in the drop-down list that are to be included in Eligible Professional Meaningful Use Reporting.
This setting allows the site to determine if they are using the Primary Physician or the Attending Physician for calculating EP CQM measures. Click the Show Details button to edit this setting. In the Physician Type field, select Primary Physician or Attending Physician. Then, click Save.
This setting allows the site to configure the note threshold settings. In the Note Size Threshold Notification Settings section, enter values in the Small, Medium, and Large fields. To set the values to the default values of 100000, 150000, and 200000, click the Reset button. Then, click Save.
This maintenance options allows the site to create and edit Note Types. Click the plus button to display the Add Note Type window.
This section is used by Healthland personnel to configure the image viewer to view radiology images from a 3rd party PACS system. Click the Edit button (triangle) to display the Image Viewer Setup box.
In the Image Viewer field, select the On option to turn the PACS Image Viewer on. (Select the Off option to turn off the PACS Image Viewer.)
In the Hash Type field, select the appropriate hash type for the PACS system.
In the PACS URL field, enter the URL for the 3rd party PACS system.
Click Save.
Use this setting to customize the display of pages in the patient chart to suit your facility's devices and/or policies. In the Rows Per Page field, enter the number of rows to display on each page. For example, if you enter 10, 10 rows of entries will be displayed and additional rows will be displayed on additional pages. Then, click Save.
Use this setting to customize the display of pages for patient search results to suit your facility's policies. In the Rows Per Page field, enter the number of rows to display on each page. For example, if you enter 10, 10 rows of entries will be displayed and additional rows will be displayed on additional pages. Then, click Save.
Note: Based on which note documentation tool your site chooses to use, this setting name is different. If you are using the new Notes feature, it is named Notes Alert Time. If you use the standard Chart Notes feature, this setting is named Detached Chart Note Alert Time.
Use this setting to customize the length of time after a message is displayed to the user before the window closes automatically. In the Notes Alert time (in Seconds) field, enter the desired value (5-30) in the field. The setting defaults to 5 seconds. Then, click Save.
This section is used to build communication types. The communications types are used to identify the types of communications between patients and the clinic/hospital staff. To view the list of types, click the magnifying glass button to expand the section. The list defaults to list only active communication types. To display active and inactive types, check the All Types box.
To add a new Communication Type, click the Add button (+). the Add Communication Type box is displayed. Enter the new type name in the Description field. Then, click Save and Add More or Save and Close. Select Save and Add More if you wish to enter additional communication types.
To edit a communication type in the list, click the Edit button (triangle) next to the desired item. Make the appropriate settings, i.e., change from active to inactive by unchecking the Active box, or change the Description. Then, click Save. If the Edit button is not displayed, that Communication Type is not available for editing, e.g. Patient Portal Msg types are not editable.
The Patient Portal section is used to define the initialization processes ("bootstrapping" or initial sending of data to the portal) and setup for scheduling ongoing processes ("sweeper processes") that are used with the Patient Portal functionality, powered by InteliChart.
The Personal Health Record (PHR) contains information regarding an individual's medical history. When the company (and facility, if applicable) establishes a connection with a PHR vendor (Microsoft HealthVault in this case), patients' data can be sent to their HealthVault account for their personal records. This section is used to create a company and facility IDs. Each company and facility in your organization requires a PHR ID to be able to connect with Microsoft HealthVault. This allows HealthVault to recognize the incoming connection request.
The use of Microsoft HealthVault requires licensing setup by Healthland personnel. If this hasn't occurred yet, please contact Healthland.
Prerequisite: Make sure you have a logo for the company (and any facilities, if needed) available to set up the connection with HealthVault. The logo(s) should be no larger than 120pixels X 60pixels and 120 KB.
Go to Maintenance > General Application Setup > General > PHR Setup.
In the Company PHR ID line, click the Add icon. The Add Company PHR ID window is displayed.
Provide values in the following fields:
Company Name - Select the company name in the list.
Domain - Type the hospital/company domain name, e.g.
Description - Type the company description, e.g. Hospital Name Main Facility
Authentication Reason - e.g. Creation of connection to Microsoft HealthVault
Logo - Browse to the company logo. This logo shows up on the HealthVault website. The logo size is limited to 120 KB, the resolution should be 120px X 60px.
Action URL - If your organization has privacy statements and terms of use on your web site, provide the link here. Otherwise, you can add privacy statement and terms of use.
Privacy Statement - If you don’t use the Action URL field, you can paste the privacy statement here. Click here for samples.
Terms of Use - If you don’t use the Action URL field, you can paste the terms of use here. Click here for samples.
Click Save.
If your organization has facilities, create IDs for each facility:
In the Facility PHR ID line, click the Add icon. The Add Facility PHR ID window is displayed.
Provide values in the following fields:
Company Name - Select the company name in the list.
Facility Name - Select the facility name in the list.
Domain - Type the facility domain name, e.g.
Description - Type the facility description, e.g. Clinic Name
Authentication Reason - e.g. Creation of connection to Microsoft HealthVault
Logo - Browse to the facility logo. This logo shows up on the HealthVault website. The logo size is limited to 120 KB, the resolution should be 120px X 60px.
Action URL - If the organization has privacy statements and terms of use on the web site, provide the link here. Otherwise, you can add privacy statement and terms of use (per facility).
Privacy Statement - If you don’t use the Action URL field, you can paste the privacy statement here. Click here for samples.
Terms of Use - If you don’t use the Action URL field, you can paste the terms of use here. Click here for samples.
Click Save.
Make sure the User Roles in User
Administration have Access Levels set correctly. In the Hospital,
Emergency Department, and Clinic applications, there are security
setup items for PHR:
Go to User Administration > Master Files > User Roles.
Edit the appropriate user roles. In the Assigned Applications, select
Hospital and/or Clinic and/or Emergency Department.
In Items assigned for the application, search for description like
“PHR”. Set the PHR items to Full Access. Click Save.
After HealthVault is set up for Personal Health Record in the Centriq applications, there are additional steps needed to register the patient and enable the Save and Send PHR button for patients in the Centriq applications:
Register the patient with HealthVault from the Discharge Documents - PHR section.
An email will be sent to the patient’s email address provided during the PHR registration process. The email contains instructions and a unique identity code to create the patient account on the HealthVault website.
Once the patient is registered with HealthVault and approves the access of our application from his or her HealthVault account, you will see the Save and Send PHR button throughout the application when documentation can be sent to the patient's PHR account.
The Plan of Care section is used to create custom care plans. To create a custom care plan, click the Edit button (green triangle) located next to Plan of Care Maintenance Items. The Plan of Care Maintenance window is displayed.
In the Problem field, begin typing the first few letters of the problem/nursing diagnosis you are looking for from the database. Or, type a custom problem name.
TIP: Custom care plans can be created using NIC/NOC/NANDA elements to facilitate the build process. If you customize a care plan based on a NANDA plan of care, edit the Problem name in some way to help in locating it, e.g. name PARENTING, ALTERED to <FACILITY> PARENTING, ALTERED. If all custom care plans are named consistently, they'll show up in the list together and be easier to locate and select. (NANDA care plans cannot be suppressed/hidden whether you have custom plans or not.)
In the Characteristics field, begin typing the first few letters of the characteristic you are looking for from the database. Or, type a custom characteristic in this field. Then, click the Add button [+] to add the item to the list of characteristics. Repeat this step as desired until all characteristics have been added.
In the Related To field, begin typing the first few letters of the related factors you are looking for from the database. Or, type a custom factors in this field. Then, click the Add button [+] to add the item to the list of Related To items. Repeat this step as desired until all related factors have been added.
In the Outcomes field, begin typing the first few letters of the outcome name you are looking for from the database. Or, type a custom outcome in this field. Then, click the Add button [+] to add the item to the list of outcomes. Repeat this step as desired until all outcomes have been added.
In the Interventions field, begin typing the first few letters of the intervention you are looking for from the database. Or, type a custom intervention in this field. Then, click the Add button [+] to add the item to the list of interventions. Repeat this step as desired until all interventions have been added.
(Optional) If you would like to print the new customized care plan, click Print Custom Plan of Care.
(Optional) If you would like to add more customized care plans, click Save and Add More. Then, repeat steps 1-5.
When finished, click Save and Close.
In the Positive ID section, you can set the time-out duration when using this feature. Click the Edit button (green triangle) located next to Positive ID Timeout Configuration Settings to display the Positive ID Timeout (in seconds) field. Enter the appropriate time frame. Then, click Save.
This setting defines whether or not an ICD10 field is displayed on the Add Problem screen when more than one ICD-10 code is associated with the selected problem. This field is used to select the appropriate ICD-10 code to associate with the problem. Click the Edit button to view and/or modify this setting. In the Display ICD10 Selection List field, select Yes or No. Click Save.
This maintenance setting defines the time span display for the Provider Work Center for Lab Results, Abnormal Vital Signs, and CDS Alerts.
Use this section to maintain the options used in referral management for Paging, Referral Status, and Organizations.
The Paging setting allows you to define how many rows per page are displayed in the Referral Management page. Click the Edit button to view and/or modify this setting. Enter the number of rows in the Rows Per Page field. Click Save.
To view a list of existing referral statuses, click the magnifying glass. Inactive items are hidden from the list. To show the inactive status items, check the All Status check box. From this view, you can edit an item in the list by clicking the Edit button located next to the item.
To add a new referral status click the Add button. The Add Referral Status box is displayed.
To view a list of existing organizations, click the magnifying glass. Inactive items are hidden from the list. To show the inactive items, check the All Organizations check box. From this view, you can edit an item in the list by clicking the Edit button located next to the item.
To add a new organization, click the Add button. The Add Organization box is displayed.
Use this setting to set the number of rows to display on the Secure Message page. Click the Edit button to display the Paging box.
Use this section to identify the behavioral health session options for goals/types, locations, program types, therapy types, and session types.
To view a list of existing session goals/topics, click the magnifying glass. Inactive items are hidden from the list. To show the inactive goals/topics, check the Show Inactive check box. From this view, you can edit an item in the list by clicking the Edit button located next to the goal/topic.
To add a new goal/topic, click the Add button. The Add Session Goals/Topics box is displayed.
To view a list of existing session locations, click the magnifying glass. Inactive items are hidden from the list. To show the inactive locations, check the Show Inactive check box. From this view, you can edit an item in the list by clicking the Edit button located next to the location.
To add a new location, click the Add button. The Add Session Locations box is displayed.
To view a list of existing session program types, click the magnifying glass. Inactive items are hidden from the list. To show the inactive program types, check the Show Inactive check box. From this view, you can edit an item in the list by clicking the Edit button located next to the program type.
To add a new location, click the Add button. The Add Session Program Type box is displayed.
To view a list of existing session therapy types, click the magnifying glass. Inactive items are hidden from the list. To show the inactive therapy types, check the Show Inactive check box. From this view, you can edit an item in the list by clicking the Edit button located next to the therapy type.
To add a new therapy type, click the Add button. The Add Session Therapy Type box is displayed.
To view a list of existing session types, click the magnifying glass. Inactive items are hidden from the list. To show the inactive program types, check the Show Inactive check box. From this view, you can edit an item in the list by clicking the Edit button located next to the session type.
To add a new session type, click the Add button. The Add Session Type box is displayed.
This maintenance section allows the facility to customize additional questions to appear on the Social Profile. In this section, the 6 sections of the Social Profile are listed: Health Risk Factors, Administrative Data, Personal, Occupational, and Social, Environment. For each section, click the magnifying glass to see existing additional questions for that section.
To add a new question, click the plus button next to the section that you'd like to add it to. The Add Question box is displayed.
The Standard Order Catalog (SOC) database contains a standard collection of orders, schedules, and dose order forms, that is provided by a 3rd party partner, Wolters-Kluwer. The Details section displays the version of the database your site is using along with the Revision Date and Date of Installation information. There are no customizable fields in this section - this information is automatically populated during an update.
This setting is used to turn on/off the ability to edit transcribed documents from the Dr. Signature and Provider Work Center pages. To enable transcription edits, check the Allow Transcription Edits box. Then, click Save. To disable transcription edits, uncheck the Allow Transcription Edits box. Then, click Save.
This section details the LOINC and UCUM Code for each vital sign type. Click the magnifying glass to view the Vital Sign Type and the associated LOINC and UCUM codes. These fields are not editable.
This setting allows you to configure the default number of rows to be displayed in Work Center. This helps to balance performance (load time) with the amount of data that can be viewed at one time by default. Click the Edit (triangle) button to display the paging dialog box. In the Rows Per Page field, enter the number of rows to display on each page. For example, if you enter 10, 10 rows of entries will be displayed and additional rows will be displayed on additional pages. Then, click Save.
This section also allows you to set the default cutoff range for the Physician Signature, Provider Work Center, and Clinician Work Center pages. This setting allows you to limit the date range to reduce the number of unsigned orders and unsigned transcription records that are displayed on these pages. (You must have the appropriate security permissions assigned in UA to access this field.) In the Cutoff Date section, click the edit button and then, select None, 3 months (default), 6 months, or 12 months in the Cutoff Date Restrictions field.