Introduction to Application Help

Welcome to Healthland Application Help. It is designed to help you access information quickly while you are using Healthland applications. This section discusses standards used in Healthland Application Help in general. To go directly to help topics for the module, use the Table of Contents to the left.

This introduction contains the following sections. Click on the link to jump directly to that topic.

Structure of Application Help

Standard Conventions

Accessing Application Help

The navigation pane

Colors and links

Structure of Application Help

Healthland Application Help generally contains the following sections:

Standard Conventions

The following standard conventions are used throughout the Application Help pages. They are used to help you quickly locate and understand the processes described in Application Help:

Navigation instructions (paths)

The path to access a window is described as follows: Main > Orders Tracking > Department. In this example, you would start at the Hospital Main page, click the Orders Tracking button, then go to the Department field.

Boldface type

 Used to denote items in the program that the user can take action on; such as: field names, buttons, menu options, etc.

Italicized type

 Used to denote report names, chapters, and other documentation.

<Key stroke>

 Used to denote the key stroke to press to effect the noted action: <Enter>, <Tab>.

Courier font

Used to denote exact text that the user should key into the system.

Accessing Application Help

Application Help is available from most pages. To access online help, press the Help link located in the upper portion of the page. When you use the Help link, the Application Help topic defaults to the page you are viewing. For example, if you're working in the Work Center window and you press the Help link, Application Help displays the Work Center topics.

Once you are in Application Help, you can use the navigation pane (on the left) to find additional topics you need.

Using the navigation pane

The navigation pane is located on the left side of the window. It includes the following buttons:

The Contents button displays topics in books and pages. Each book is a main heading. The pages listed in that book are the topics under that main heading. To open a book, double-click on a book icon. To see one of the pages in that book, click on the page icon.

The Index button allows you to search for topics by keyword. Type a word in the keyword box. The list of topics will jump to those that start with the word you typed in. Click on the desired topic, then click Display.

The Search button allows you to search for specific words within every topic. Type a word in the keyword box and click List Topics. Topics that contain the word you entered will display. To see one of those topics, click on the topic and click Display. The word will be highlighted wherever it appears in the topic's text.

The Print button allows you to print the displayed topic. From the print window, select the desired printer and click Print. To view or print the entire .

Closes the navigation pane. Click any of the above mentioned buttons to re-display the navigation pane.


Colors and links

Text Links

Text links are displayed in blue with an underline.

Visited Links

 Purple and underlined text indicates a visited topic.


 This symbol, when present, indicates that there is more information and/or images that can be displayed. Click this symbol to display the text and/or image. Then, click again to hide it.

Notes and information that need particular attention display within a gray box:

Once you are in Application Help, you can use the navigation pane (left pane) to find additional topics you need.

Related Topics

Common Centriq Tasks


Healthland Terminology