Quick Registration


The Quick Registration feature in the Hospital system allows you to quickly enter a patient and begin treatment by requiring entry of only a few fields.

To use Quick Registration

  1. From the Hospital Main page, click the Quick Registration button. The Patient Search box is displayed.

  2. You have two options prior to beginning the quick registration process: Searching for an existing patient or entering a new patient that has never been seen before.

It is recommended that you perform a search for the patient prior to entering a new one to prevent duplicate entries.

      1. Begin typing the patient information in the blank field. You can type letters or numbers. The search will display matches found in the patient first name, last name, date of birth, social security number, medical record number, and previous first, last name, or medical record number, if applicable. A list of possible matches appears as you type. You can continue typing to narrow down the list.

      2. Highlight and click the desired patient. The patient name is displayed in the search field.

      3. Click Select Patient. The Quick Registration window is displayed with the patient’s medical record number and visit number in the appropriate fields, as well as the First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Gender, Date of Birth, SSN, and Admit Date and Time.

      4. If necessary, you may edit the First, Middle and Last Name, Gender, Date of Birth, SSN, Email, Admit Date and/or Admit Time fields by clicking in the field and making changes. Note: If the facility is registered and using the Patient Portal, the Email field is required.

      5. Continue to step 3.

      1. Click New Patient. The Quick Registration window is displayed with the patient’s newly assigned medical record number and visit number displayed in the appropriate fields.

      2. In the First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name field, enter the patient’s name. (Only the first and last name are required.)

      3. In the Gender field, select the appropriate gender.

      4. In the Date of Birth field, use the calendar button to select the DOB. Or, if unknown, enter an estimated age in years in the Estimated Age field.

      5. In the SSN field, enter the patient's social security number if known, or leave the field blank.

      6. In the Email field, enter the patient's email address. If the facility is registered and using the Patient Portal, this field is required.

      7. The Admit Date and Admit Time default to the current date and time. If necessary, you may edit the Admit Date and/or Admit Time fields by clicking in the field and making changes. An admit date that is more than 96 hours from the current date (behind or ahead) is not allowed. The time is displayed in military time.

  1. In the Patient Last Known Well Date fields, enter the date and time that the patient was last "well". This information is used for MU Clinical Quality Measures. See Meaningful Use for more information.

  2. If the patient's gender is female, the Pregnancy Status field is displayed. Use the drop-down options to select the appropriate option. If Yes is selected, the Est. Date of Delivery field is displayed. Use the calendar icon to select the estimated date of delivery for the pregnancy.

  3. The Medical Record # and Visit # fields are populated automatically.

  4. In the Patient Class field, use the drop-down list to select the patient class for this patient. The facility, unit, room type, and bed/location field selections are based on the selected patient class.

  5. The Facility is displayed according to the patient class selected. If you wish to select a different facility, use the drop-down list to select the appropriate facility.

  6. In the Admitting Provider and Attending Provider fields, begin typing one of following: provider's first name, provider's last name, provider's name in "last name, first name" format, or provider's NPI number.  A list of possible matches appears as you type. You can continue typing to narrow down the list. Highlight and select the desired provider.

  7. In the Unit field, use the drop-down list to select the appropriate unit.  

  8. The Room Type field is displayed according to the unit selected. If you wish to select a different room type, use the drop-down list to select the appropriate room type.

  9. In the Bed field, use the drop-down list to select the appropriate bed or location.

  10. If you would like to register this patient for Patient Health Record access, check the Register PHR Access box. The patient's current patient portal registration status is displayed at the bottom of the page.

  11. To print the letter for the patient that includes the PIN so they can completed Patient Portal registration, check the Generate Portal Registration PIN check box.

  12. If the patient chooses to opt out of the patient portal registration, check the Patient chooses to opt-out of portal registration option. Note: Opting out includes the patient in the numerator for the Meaningful Use View, Download, Transmit measure (Eligible Hospital Core measure #6.1 & Eligible Professional Core measure #7.1) for the facility.

  13. Click Save to save the information and return to the Main page. Or, click Save and Print to print the patient's registration information and patient labels/wristbands.

Special Note about printing wristbands/labels:  The printer used for printing these labels is identified in Patient Registration > Master Files > Patient Classes > Edit (or New) > Forms to be Printed > Add. From there, identify the forms to be printed during admission and the default printer for printing. When you click the Save and Print button, the following happens:
 - If forms with a type of "Labels" or "Wristbands" are assigned to the patient class AND/OR the user selects the Generate Portal PIN check box option, the print selection box is displayed. 
 - If forms with a type of "Labels" or "Wristbands" are not assigned to the patient class AND the user has not selected to generate the portal pin, the print selection box is not displayed, but the registration is saved. 
 - If forms with a type of "Labels" or "Wristbands" are not assigned to the patient class AND the user HAS selected to generate the portal pin, the print selection box is not displayed, however, the registration is saved and the Portal PIN document is generated. 
Setup is required in Patient Registration > Form Library to create forms identified with the type Labels or Wristbands that can be printed during admission.

If you would like to return to the Main page without saving, click Back to Main (in the green bar in the top right corner.
Note: If you selected the Register PHR Access check box, the Register PHR Access box is displayed. Otherwise, you may also go directly to Assessments or CPOE using the carousel links in the lower left and right corners.

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