The IV Site tab of the eMAR is used to view and document the condition of the patient's IV site. To access the IV Site page, click the IV Site button in the Orders group on the Main page. Or, you can access the IV Site tab from the eMAR. To filter the list - showing only active or inactive sites, select Active or Inactive in the Filter field. Each item in the list contains the following option buttons next to the entry:
Show Patient IV Site Details button: Click to view the site and assessment details for the IV site. |
Add Assessment button: Click this button to add an assessment of the IV site. See Step 12 - 14 of To add a Site for details on entering an assessment of the IV site. |
Edit button: Click to edit the IV site documentation. Use the instructions (Step 2- in the To add a Site section to make edits to the documentation. |
Active: This icon in front of an IV site indicates it is an active site and is currently in place. |
To add an IV site to the list, select the Add Site button. The Add IV Site box is displayed.
If this is an existing site that the patient presented with (e.g. PICC line, H/L), check the Existing IV Site box. Checking the Existing IV Site box allows the Start Date to be prior to the Admit Date for the existing site. In the Site field, use the drop-down list to select the type of site you are adding.
In the Start Date field, use the calendar to select the date the IV site was started.
In the Start Time field, enter the time the site was started (or use the clock button to select the appropriate time).
the Started By field, select
the clinician that started the IV site.
If you are editing an existing IV Site, the Start Date, Start Time, and Started By fields are not required fields.
In the Infusion Type field, select the type of site that was started.
Enter the details regarding the IV catheter in the following fields:
Gauge: Select the appropriate width of the IV catheter.
Length: Select the appropriate length of the IV catheter.
Lumens: Enter the number of lumens at the site.
In the # of Attempts field, enter the number of attempts used to start the site.
In the Dressing Type field, select the type of dressing used at the IV site.
In the Comments field, enter additional notes regarding the IV site.
If a solution was attached to the IV site, select it in the Link to Solution field. Or, check the Saline Lock or Heparin Lock boxes.
In the SITE ASSESSMENT section, complete the following fields regarding the IV site condition:
Phlebitis Scale: Select the appropriate scale level based on the presence, if any, of phlebitis at the site. When the desired number is selected, the symptom(s) of that level are displayed with a check. Uncheck any that do not apply. (When these symptoms are resolved, the boxes can be unchecked.)
Infiltration Scale: Select the appropriate scale level based on the presence, if any, of infiltration at the site. When the desired number is selected, the symptom(s) of that level are displayed with a check. Uncheck any that do not apply. (When these symptoms are resolved, the boxed can be unchecked.)
Comments: Type additional notes and comments regarding the assessment of the site.
Check the boxes which apply: Catheter
Intact, Tubing Changed,
Filter Changed.
In the DOCUMENTATION DETAILS section, the Documented By and the Date/Time fields default to the current. Review and modify these fields if necessary.
Click Save.
To edit an IV site, click the Edit Site
button ()
next to the site you wish to edit. The Edit Site box is displayed.
Make the necessary modifications to the site documentation. (Use the instructions in steps 12 - 14 of To add a Site for details on specific fields.)
In the Reason field, select the appropriate reason for updating the site information.
Click Save.
A change log is available to view all details of the IV site changes. The log records when a site is added, edited, or removed, and contains the login name of who made the change, a reason for the change, and both the original and new values of the site.
Click View Change Log at the top of the screen to view changes to all IV site entries. The IV Site Change Log is displayed.
On the IV Site Change Log page, items are displayed according to the date/time they were changed, with the most recent change first. You can alter your view to display sites or assessments; or display items by action: added, edited, or removed items; as well as, sort the items by date/time, user, or site. To change your view, use the drop-down lists in the Filter, Action, and Sort fields to select your desired view options. Once selected, the list is resorted accordingly.
The default view allows you to view a quick list of changes showing only the date/time, user, IV site, and action (added, edited, or removed). Click the show details icon next to a particular item to display additional details for that item. Click Show All Details to display additional details for all the item changes.
Click Back to leave the change log and return to the IV Site list.
There are two related reports available on the Reports > General Reports page: IV Site Report and the IV Solution Report. To generate these reports, go to Reports > General Reports. Click the Show Details button. Then, enter the desired parameters and click Generate Report.