Medical History: Immunizations


The following topics are discussed on this page. Use the links to jump to the desired subject:

Introduction to the Immunization History

To add an immunization

To document No Change

To edit an immunization

To remove an immunization

To view the change log

To add an Immunity

To generate the CCD (Continuity of Care Document)

To print the list

Introduction to the Immunization History

The Immunization History page allows you to capture and maintain a list of all immunizations/immunity a patient has had over time. A chronological change log is also available, which records the original content, change reason, and an audit trail of the user ID and date/time stamp.  

To access the Immunization history page, use one of the following methods:


Once the patient is selected, the patient's basic episode information is displayed in the yellow bar at the top of the screen, including: patient name, DOB, and medical record number.

The Immunizations page has two sections: Immunizations and Immunity. All immunizations display the description, manufacturer, lot number, expiration date, administered date, frequency, next due date, and verified by information. In addition, the following function buttons are displayed for each immunization on the list:

Edit button: Click to edit an immunization. See To edit an immunization.

Remove button: Click to remove a surgery from the surgery list. See To remove an immunization.

View Change Log button: Click to view all details of any changes. See To view the Change Log. To return to the Immunization List, click Back.

To add an immunization

  1. Click Add Immunization located at the top of the page. The Add Immunization box is displayed.

  2. In the Immunization field, use the drop-down list to select the desired immunization.

  3. In the Dosage field, enter the Dosage amount for the immunization.

  4. In the Route field, use the drop-down list to select the appropriate route that the patient received the immunization.

  5. In the Site field, use the drop-down list to select the body location that the patient received the immunization.

  6. In the Manufacturer field, type the name of the manufacturer of the immunization.

  7. In the Lot No field, type the lot number for the immunization.

  8. In the Expiration Date field, use the drop-down list to select Day, Month, or Year. In the  blank date field to the right, click the calendar to select the date the immunization expires. The date is automatically formatted according to the selected day, month, or year.

  9. In the Administration Date field, use the drop-down list to select Day, Month, or Year. In the  blank date field to the right, click the calendar to select the date the patient had the immunization administered. The date is automatically formatted according to the selected day, month, or year.

  10. (Optional) In the VIS Presented Date field (Vaccine Information Statement), the date on which the patient or family member was provided information/material regarding the immunization.

  11. In the Vaccines for Children field, use the drop-down list to select if the patient is eligible for the Vaccines for Children program.

  12. In the Immunization Registry Status field, enter the status of the Immunization Registry.

  13. In the Immunization Registry Status Effective Date field, enter the date that the status identified in the previous step became effective.

  14. (Optional) In the Immunization Information Source field, select the of the information regarding the immunization.

  15. In the Send Reminder field, select the appropriate type of reminders to generate for this immunization item, if desired.

  16. In the Reminder Effective Date field, enter the date that the reminder identified in the previous step became effective.

  17. In the Next Due Date field, use the calendar to select the date when the immunization is due again.

  18. The Consent to Share Immunization Information check box is used to grant permission to submit this immunization data to the registry.

  19. In the Consent Information section, complete the Date, Decision, Decision By (enter the name of the individual who gave consent for the immunization information to be shared), and Relationship to Patient fields.

  20. In the Comment field, you can type a free-text message about the immunization.

  21. Click Save and Add More to add the immunization and remain in the window to add additional immunizations.

  22. Or, click Save and Close to save your work and return to the list.

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To verify the Immunization List (No Change)

The No Change option allows you to indicate that you have reviewed and verified that the immunization list is correct and hasn't changed since the last assessment/review.

  1. Click No Change located at the upper right-hand corner of the window.

  2. A message box is displayed with the message, Would you like to mark all immunizations as being reviewed and verified? Select Yes to indicate you have reviewed and verified the immunization list, and click Save; or select No or click Close if you do not want to perform the verification at this time. Once reviewed, the user name and date/time is displayed in the Verified  column.

To edit an immunization

  1. Click next to the immunization you want to edit. The Edit Immunization box is displayed. Edit any of the fields as needed. See above for field descriptions.

  2. In the Reason field, use the drop-down list to select a reason for the edit. To enter a reason that is not listed, select Other (See notes) from the list and type in the required free-text reason in the Other Reason field.

  3. Click Save to save your changes and return to the immunization list, or click Close if you want to cancel your changes.

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To remove an immunization

  1. Click next to the surgery you want to remove. The Remove Immunization box is displayed.

  2. In the Reason field, use the drop-down list to select a reason for removing the item. To enter a reason that is not listed, select Other (See notes) from the drop-down list and type the required free-text reason in the Other Reason field.

  3. Click Remove to continue. You are returned to the list with the item now removed.

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To view the change log

A change log is available to view all details of a change made to the items. The log records when an item is added, edited, or removed, and contains the login name of who made the change, a reason for the change, and both the original and new values of the description, date, and notes.

There are two ways to access the change log:

On the Immunization Change Log page, immunizations are displayed according to the date/time they were changed, with the most recent change first. You can alter your view to display only added, edited, or removed items, as well as, sort the items by description. To change your view, use the drop-down lists in the Filter and Sort fields to select your desired view options. Once selected, the list is resorted accordingly.

The Show All Details option displays additional information for each of the items, including the original and new values, if available.

Click Back to leave the change log and return to the immunization list.

To add an Immunity

Sometimes a patient becomes immune to an illness because the patient has already had the condition, i.e. hepatitis, chicken pox, measles. When this situation occurs, we need to document that the patient has an immunity to a condition/illness.

  1. Click Add Immunity. The Add Immunity box is displayed.
  2. In the Immunity field, select the condition that they patient has received.
  3. In the Occurred fields, select the time frame format, i.e. Year, Date, or Month. Based on what is selected in the time frame format, the appropriate fields are displayed.
  4. Click Save and Close. Or, click Save and Add More to enter more immunity items. The Immunity item is displayed on the page in the Immunity section.

To generate the CCD (Continuity of Care Document)

The CCD is a clinical summary document generated from the patient's clinical information, including insurance providers, advance directive information, problem list, and medication information.  This document opens in a new browser tab, where it can be e-mailed, saved, and/or printed to the patient and/or another healthcare provider. To generate the CCD, click Generate CCD.  

To print the list

To print a copy of the list, click the Print button.

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