Secure Message Maintenance


Secure messages are provider to provider messages using secure messaging technology between trusted entities to ensure the validity of the sender and recipient. Secure Message functionality uses DIRECT technology and framework provided by a Healthland third party partner, Updox. The Maintenance > Secure Message window is used to setup the Secure Messaging Account and the Secure Message Users. (Note: As with most Maintenance pages, this is a user security controlled page. To provide access, go to User Administration > User Roles and provide the appropriate securities for users that are allowed to access this page.)                                                  

Prior to using this Maintenance window, setup must be performed in the System Configuration Manager by Healthland Staff. See the Centriq Third Party Products Setup Guide for more information.

To enter the Account Details

The Account Information section is used to create and maintain the Account Name, Address, Direct Email Server Address, and Status. When no account has been added, click the Add Account button to get started. Otherwise, the Edit Account option is displayed. To edit the Account Details, go to Maintenance > Secure Message and click Edit Account. The Edit Account box is displayed. Enter or modify the following fields:

Once finished making changes to the above fields, click Save. This registers the account with Updox using the defined Account ID.

Working with Secure Message Users

Secure Message Users are listed in the Secure message Users section. When there are more than 20 users, there will be multiple pages. Use the page control options at the bottom of the section to page through the list. You can filter this list by selecting an option in the Filter field: All, Active, or Inactive. In addition, you can sort the list by selecting an option in the Sort field: User Name or Direct Address.

For each user, you have the following functions: Show Details, Add Delegate, and Remove User. These functions are accessed using the buttons to the right of each user row.

If a Secure Message User is marked as Inactive, then the Delegates become inactive for that user, unable to review and/or send messages on that user's behalf.

To add new Secure Message Users

Adding new secure message users requires the creation of a user account and user email address. To add new secure messaging users, click Add User in the Secure Message Users section. The Add User box is displayed.

  1. In the User field, begin typing the name of the user you wish to add. As you type, matches are displayed. Click the name to select it.
  2. The User ID, name information, and address information is displayed. The User ID is what is used to register the user with Updox. This ID is in customernumber_userlogin format.
  3. In the Direct Address field, enter the prefix for the Direct Address. The prefix must not contain spaces or special characters.
  4. Then, click Save. The new user is added to the list of users, registered with Updox, and can now access the Unassigned Sec Msgs tab in Patient Communications.
  5. In addition, ensure that the user has the appropriate user role securities in User Administration > User Roles for secure messaging functions. Type "secure" in the Edit Role window for the ED, Hospital, and Clinic applications.

To validate the Updox Account (ONE-TIME PROCESS ONLY)

Only once, during implementation, the Account must be validated. This is the process of validating the account, and a specific user, prior to being part of the An account must be validated by Updox’s verification process before that account can exchange secure messages with another entity.

  1. The Account must be added prior to validating the account. Healthland Staff will add the account.
  2. The specific user that will be used to validate the account must be added using the instruction in the To add new Secure Message Users section.
  3. From the Maintenance > Secure Message window, click Validate Account. The Validate Account box is displayed.

  4. In the User field, begin typing the name of the user (identified in Step 2). Matches are displayed. Select the appropriate user name.

  5. Click Validate. The Updox Registration for Healthland page is displayed in the browser.

  6. Complete the fields per the instruction on the screen. (See the Third Party Products Setup Guide in Learning Depot for additional details.)

  7. Then, click Validate.