The Implant Log displays a list of the patient's implant history, including implant insertion and removal procedures. You can add, edit, or remove the items on the list. The following topics are discussed on this page. Use the links to jump to the desired subject:
To document No Known Implants (or Unknown)
To print the Implant Log Report
Setup considerations: Usage of the Implant Log page requires setup in additional locations. Click here to view a list >> [+]
For each implant, you have the following options:
Show Details: Click this button to view additional details related to the implant. |
Edit Implant: Click to edit an implant. See To edit an implant for additional details. |
Mark Erroneous: Click to remove an implant from the list. See To remove an implant for details. |
Explant: Click this button to document the surgical removal of the implant. |
View Change Log button: Click to view the details of the implant and any changes. To return to the Implant Log, click Back. |
Once an implant has been removed (or explanted), it becomes inactive. To see inactive implants, click the Show inactive box.
No Known Implants; When a patient has no known implants, check the No Known Implants box. The No Known Implants box is displayed. In the Source field, use the drop down list to select the source of the information. Then, click Save. Note: If the No Known Implants radio button is not displayed, there are implants already entered on the patient's record. To get this option to display again, you must remove any implants from the list.
Implant Status Unknown: When the patient's implant history is unknown, click the Implant Status Unknown option. The Implant Status Unknown box is displayed. In the Reason field, select a reason that the implant status is unknown. Then, click Save. Note: If the No Known Implants radio button is not displayed, there are implants already entered on the patient's record. To get this option to display again, you must remove any implants from the list.
To add a implant to the list, select Add Implant. The Add Implant box is displayed.
In the Device Type field, use the drop-down list to select the type of implant you are adding. Based on the type of implant selected, the appropriate associated fields are displayed on the screen:
Graft: A piece of living tissue that is transplanted surgically.
Hardware: Any device placed in bone to stabilize a fracture or to anchor a prosthetic joint, e.g. nut, bolt, pin, plate, screw,or wire.
Implant: A medical device manufactured to replace a missing biological structure, support a damaged biological structure, or enhance an existing biological structure. Medical implants are man-made devices, in contrast to a transplant or graft, which is a transplanted biomedical tissue.
The Device Type field is not an editable field once it is saved. If a change is required to this field, you must delete the original implant entry and recreate the correct one.
In the Unique Device Identifier field, scan the barcode of the UDI. Pres the <Enter> key or the <Tab> key to activate the web service database. If a valid UDI is entered, the system uses the database to populate the additional fields: Device Identifier, Description, Lot Number, Serial Number, Expiration Date, Manufactured Date, Donation Identification Number, Tissue Code, Brand Name, Version/Model, Catalog Number, and Manufacturer fields, if available.
In the MRI Safety Information field, use the drop-down to select the appropriate option.
In the Device required to be labeled as containing natural rubber latex or dry natural rubber field, use the drop-down list to select Yes or No.
In the Procedure field, search for and select the name of the implant procedure.
In the Procedure Date fields, select if you know the Day, Month, or Year. Then, enter the date, month, or year that the procedure was done using the calendar options.
In the Condition on Arrival field, enter a description of the condition of the implant on arrival.
In the Location field, use the drop-down to select the location of the implant.
In the Quantity field, enter the number of implants inserted.
In the Performed By field, enter the provider who performed the implant procedure.
If applicable, enter additional notes in the Comments field.
Click Save and Add More or Save and Close.
An explant is the removal of an implant. You can document an explant for an implant that hasn't been documented or you can document the explant of an implant that is documented.
When the implant is not listed:
To add a explant to the list when the implant is not listed, click Add Explant, located at the top of the page. The Add Explant box is displayed.
In the Device Type field, use the drop-down list to select the type of explant you are adding.
In the Unique Device Identifier field, scan the barcode of the UDI. If a valid UDI is entered, the system uses the FDA database to populate the additional fields: Device Identifier, Description, Lot Number, Serial Number, Expiration Date, Manufactured Date, Brand Name, Version/Model, and Manufacturer fields, if available.
In the MRI Safety Information field, use the drop-down to select the appropriate option.
In the Device required to be labeled as containing natural rubber latex or dry natural rubber field, use the drop-down list to select Yes or No.
In the Procedure field, enter the name of the explant procedure. This procedure will also display on the patient's Surgery History list.
In the Procedure Date fields, select if you know the Day, Month, or Year. Then, enter the date, month, or year that the procedure was done using the calendar options.
In the Condition on Arrival field, enter a description of the condition on arrival.
In the Location, use the drop-down to select the location of the implant.
In the Quantity field, enter the number of implants removed.
In the Performed By field, enter the provider who performed the explant procedure.
If applicable, enter additional notes in the Comments field.
In the Reason For Explant field, enter the reason the implant was removed.
Click Save and Add More or Save and Close.
When the implant is listed:
Click Save.
The No Change option allows you to indicate that you have reviewed and verified that the implant history is correct and hasn't changed since the last assessment/review.
Click No Change located at the upper right-hand corner of the window. A message box is displayed with the message, Would you like to mark all implant log as being reviewed and verified?
Select Yes to indicate you have reviewed and verified the implant list, and click Save; or select No or click Close if you do not want to perform the verification at this time. Once reviewed, the user name and date/time displayed in the Last Reviewed field (located at the top of the page) is updated.
Click the Edit Implant button next to the implant you want to edit. The Edit Implant box is displayed. Edit the fields as needed. See To add an implant above for field descriptions.
The Device Type field is not an editable field. If a change is required to this field, you must delete the original implant entry and recreate the correct one.
In the Reason for Edit field, use the drop-down list to select a reason for the edit. To enter a reason that is not listed, select Other (See notes) from the list and type in the required free-text reason in the Other Reason field.
Click Save to save your changes and return to the Implant Log, or click Close if you want to cancel your changes.
Click the Mark Erroneous button next to the implant you want to remove. The Mark Erroneous box is displayed.
In the Reason field, use the drop-down list to select a reason for removing the implant. To enter a reason that is not listed, select Other (See notes) from the drop-down list and type the required free-text reason in the Other Reason field.
Click Save to continue. You are returned to the Implant Log with the implant now removed.
A change log is available to view all details of a implant change. The log records when a implant is added, edited, or removed, and contains the login name of who made the change, a reason for the change, and both the original and new values of the implant.
There are two ways to access the change log:
Click View Change Log at the top of the screen to view changes to all implant items.
Click Change
Log next to a particular implant to view changes for
only that one item.
On the Implant Change Log page, items are displayed according to the date/time they were changed, with the most recent change first. You can alter your view to display added, edited, or removed items, as well as, sort the items by date/time, user, or implant description. To change your view, use the drop-down lists in the Action, Filter, and Sort fields to select your desired view options. Once selected, the list is resorted accordingly.
The default view allows you to view a quick list of changes showing only the date/time, user, implant item, and action (added, edited, or removed). Click the show details icon next to a particular item to display additional details for that item. Click Show All Details to display additional details for all the item changes.
Click Back to leave the change log and return to the Implant Log.
The Implant Log Report is a flexible report based on date range (based on Procedure Date), status, implant or explant, manufacturer, device type, patient, physician, and/or UDI. To generate the Implant Log Report, go to Reports > General Reports.
Using the Shortcut Tabs: Search, Demographics, Summary, and Allergy |