Medical Necessity Checking (MNC)

Medical Necessity Checking (MNC) occurs within CPOE using a 3rd party database provided by 3M. The use of this 3rd party database requires licensing, subscription, and setup by your Account Manager. Please contact your Account Manager for details.

When activated, your facility can determine if medical necessity checking is Off, Automatic, or Manual. To make this setting, go to Maintenance > General > Medical Necessity and select one of the following in the Medical Necessity Configuration Settings section:

Using MNC during CPOE

During CPOE, you have several options for checking medical necessity:

To generate an ABN Report

  1. Go to Reports > General Reports > ABN Report.

  2. Select From Date and To Date to indicate the range for the report. Note: The date is the Start Date of the order that was placed or attempted to be placed.

  3. In the Status field, select the status you would like to display in the report: Pass, Fail, or All.

  4. Click Generate Report. The report is displayed in the browser window including the status of the check, and the details/answers to the questions "ABN Signed?" and "Agreed to pay?" for each line item.

Troubleshooting Setup

This checking typically occurs for Outpatient type patients with Medicare as a payor. Setup is required in several areas to ensure that the checking is working properly: